Monday, January 13, 2014


Iran and six world powers announced yesterday that they've agreed on the terms for implementing a recently struck nuclear deal. 

Here we go again with a rerun of a deal announced a month or so ago.  Iran is going to “begin to” scale back its nuclear program while allied nations remove sanctions and fork over $550 million in access to frozen Iranian funds.  The funds will be transferred by February 1st.  Payments will continue through July, when all of $4.2 billion will be transferred.  Of course, “beginning” to wind down a nuclear program could take 1,000 years.  At the same time, Obama threatened Congress they’d better not be adding any more sanctions, or else.  This whole arrangement is undoubtedly the biggest sham, the biggest smoke and mirrors program to hit the world stage in at least a century.  Gobbledygook is the only way to describe it. 

Q. Why are the press, media and Democrats so obviously foaming at the mouth over Chris Christie when there are so many bigger issues to be resolved, like Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the NSA and ObamaCare?  (Hester ~ Park City, UT)
A. Because they don’t want you thinking about Benghazi, the IRS, Fast & Furious, the NSA and ObamaCare.  As a matter of fact, they don’t want you thinking at all; they want you to be just like them: dolts in a fog, standing next to Nancy Pelosi. 

Q. How can they justify cutting unemployment or military pensions when so much money is being wasted by our government?  (Celia ~ Shingletown, CA)
A. Further with respect to our government screwing around with our money comes the revelation that they’ve just spent almost $225,000 on a research project to develop custom-fitted condoms.  A third to half of men complain that their condoms don’t fit well, and they’re less likely to use them, according to a report.  I don’t know about you, but I always thought they make great water balloons.  Sometimes, when I hear these stories I just want to sit down and suck on a bottle of rot-gut gin. 

Q. I can’t believe they are hiring an attorney who defended a cop killer to work in the Justice Department.  Have they lost leave of their senses?  (Chang ~ Jerome, AZ)
A. You’re talking about Debo Adegbile, the new guy in charge of a civil rights department.  Considering that the cop killer was a member of the Blank Panthers and that Eric Holder refused to prosecute Black Panthers who intimidated white Philadelphia voters at the polls in the 2008 elections, what would you expect?  I’m just surprised that Obama hasn’t named Bill Ayers to a cabinet post yet.   

“Why is it, every time I think about condoms, the subject of politicians comes up?”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler


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