Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Obama told his Cabinet yesterday that he intends to use all of his Executive Powers to accomplish things that Congress is refusing to do or is not taking action on.  "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we're providing Americans the kind of help they need," Obama said Tuesday as he convened his first Cabinet meeting of the year. He said he would instruct his department heads to "use all the tools available to us" to assist the middle class. 

Is this an out-of-control, insolent and impeachable President, or not? 

Q. Why would Obama lie about the terrorist attack claim and allege that the video was at fault for inciting riots at Benghazi?  (LeGrande ~ Tremonton, UT)
A. Perhaps all of these scandals have merely been distractions to allow Obama and his goons to put into place the things that need to happen for their take-over of the country.  We don’t know what sinister reason he had, but we do know that he is a prolific liar.  You cannot believe a single word that he says… not one.  I even question his birthplace again.  If the truth be known, I’d think the scoundrel was born under a rock. 

Q. Do I understand that the Department of Justice is not going to pursue criminal charges or any more investigation into the IRS vs Tea Party scandal on the basis there is no evidence of political involvement?  This is Holder’s DOJ investigating Obama’s IRS?  Doesn’t this smack of a lie and cover-up?  (Isaac ~ Redding, CA)
A. Yes, on all counts.  Come on, now… What did you really expect?  The “investigators” have yet to speak with any of the organizations alleging the criminal conduct.  The only way you’re going to get the truth out of this gang of thieves is by waterboarding them. 

Q. What is your reaction to Iran’s claim that they have won and the U.S. has surrendered regarding the new temporary agreement to reach an agreement?  (Kim ~ Arlington, WA)
A. They are telling the truth.  Let’s get back to what Obama said in the first weeks of his Presidency, that he does not see any reason why any nation should be denied a nuclear program.  Obama has done everything possible to assist the Iranians in achieving their goals, and now he’s giving them the access to the money they need to finish the job. 

”The contest for ages has been to rescue liberty from the grasp of executive power.” ~ Daniel Webster


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