Monday, January 27, 2014


A recent Gallup poll reflects that 46% of Americans identify as neither Democrat nor Republican; they are considered as Independents.

That means 46% of the country is not happy with the way either party operates the government.  It also means a third political party could pick up just 3% of the voters from each party and win in 2016.  More significantly, and on a very positive note, I think the poll reflects a growing discontent with the Progressives and their anti-American agenda.    

Q. How are we ever going to stop all of this gun violence?  (Tammy ~ Atascadero, CA)
A. We already know that laws against guns won’t get the job done.  We also know that communities with high private ownership of guns and high concealed-carry participation have the lowest violent crime rates.  The answer is obvious: We need to encourage citizen gun ownership, training and concealed carry. 

Q. Why do you hate Obama so much?  (Chastity ~ Broomfield, CO)
A. Because of his ideology, everything he represents and what he has done to this country.  His wife is admittedly anti-white full-blown racist and he is overtly trying to change this country into Marxism. He is corrupt to the core, he lies through his teeth, he manipulates the facts, he mistreats his own people and he doesn’t give a damned whether you or I like any of this at all.  He is definitively against everything I stand for as an American citizen and if you don’t feel the same way, then you fall into the same categories.  If you don’t love your country, its history and what it stands for, you don’t belong here either… period.      

Q. I see Aetna may pull out of ObamaCare.  There are not that many insurers anyway.  Experts say premiums have to be hiked, perhaps doubled, or they can’t make a profit.  What happens if they all pull out?  (Mike ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. You’re wishing that would mean the end to ObamaCare, aren’t you?  Obama has already put into motion a plan to convert the ObamaCare network into a single-payer system operated by the government which every single American would have to belong to.  If you think things are bad now, wait until that happens!And you can't stop it unless you vote his Senate cronies out in November. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does.” ~ Will Rogers


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