Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Without fanfare, Accenture has taken over work on the ObamaCare website.  CGI Federal, the prior contractor, has four new contracts with DHHS and it is known that one of their top executives went to Purdue with Michelle Obama.  The government did not go through established procurement methods for the CGI deal; it was a “no bid” contract.  It is now revealed that Accenture also has a “no-bid” contract, worth $90 million.  As it turns out, the company’s top analytic researcher there worked on Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. 

Now, isn’t that just soooo comfy? 

Q. Recognizing that things can change in time, who would you say are your favorites to run for the Presidency today?  (Theo ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul… not necessarily in that order, but I’d like to see them all take a stab at it and any one or two of them would make an outstanding President/Vice-President team in my opinion.  Yes, I categorically rule out Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Martin Sheen.   

Q. The Republicans justifiably keep trying to end ObamaCare.  But, they promised years ago to come up with an alternative.  Where is it?  (Julius ~ Jackson, WY)
A. John Boehner is saying they will introduce the alternative in 2014.  I hate to say this, but I’m not excited; any legislation the House is coming up with these days is suspect.  The Republican hierarchy is tainted by the presence of die-hard Progressives. 

Q. Did I hear that Senator Harry Reid is finally going to be subjected to an ethics investigation?  (Les ~ Henderson, NV)
A. No, you didn’t.  But there IS a group pushing for it.  They say he used his influence and position to help a politically connected casino get visas for foreign investors.  They allege that the Obama Administration, after repeated calls from Reid and his staffers, overruled career Homeland Security officials and expedited visa applications for about two dozen foreign investors for the casino.  I wonder if the casino is where Obama stayed when he flew to Vegas during the Benghazi Massacre…

”I am the government.” ~ Andrew Cuomo


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