Tuesday, January 7, 2014


There is a new allegation about the NSA’s reportedly getting into the bank accounts of “targets” and changing their balances.  Recommendation 31 of a 308 page report includes the language: “(2) Governments should not use their offensive cyber capabilities to change the amounts held in financial accounts or otherwise manipulate the financial systems.”   

Have you checked your balances lately?  This is YOUR government in action. 

Q. Regarding the end of extended unemployment benefits, why didn’t Obama raise a ruckus about it before he left for vacation?  (Bo ~ Burbank, CA)
A. (1) He wanted the Republicans to look bad and (2 he wanted the unemployment rate to go down so HE would look good.  It’s all about how you manipulate things. 

Q. Here’s a real act of tyranny.  The Federal government under Obama has instituted a program whereby they can search anyone within 100 miles of the border without a search warrant and without probable cause.  That is unconstitutional as hell.  Now, a Federal Court in New York has upheld the searches.  What in the hell is going on?  (Lu ~ Red Bluff, CA)
A. Obama is continuing, be it at a much faster pace, his elimination of the Bill of Rights.  Now, if that really bothers you, remember it was Obama and Holder who went after Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio for allegedly doing the same exact thing.  I guess what’s unfair for the gander is good for the goose. 

Q. Is the Police Chief in Detroit really telling citizens to start carrying concealed weapons?  (Lars ~ Truckee, CA)
A. Yes.  In a refreshing breath of reality, Detroit Police Chief James Craig recently said: “If more citizens were armed, criminals would think twice about attacking them.”  Rumor has it that he has been scratched from Obama’s Rose Garden Society. 

“The unemployment rate is still twice as high for blacks as for whites.” ~ William Weld


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