Friday, January 3, 2014


Sailors aboard the USS Reagan are reporting increasing signs of radiation poisoning:  Japan has stopped processing commercial fish and signs of radioactive contamination are appearing in fish caught off America’s west coast. U.S. Government and media outlets continue to ignore the imminent danger to the western states. 


I broke this story yesterday.  This appears to me to be another cover-up orchestrated by the White House: “whatever you do, don’t let Americans know that our sailors are being poisoned by radioactivity or that people on the West Coast may become radioactive.”  We already know from nuclear testing in the 50’s and 60’s that radiation may already be appearing in milk from cows on the west coast.  The winter snows now pummeling the Midwest could be laced with radiation.  This is a serious health concern and needs to be brought out into the open so we can find ways to deal with it. 


Q. I hear that the next ObamaCare shock may come at tax day.  It has something to do with the subsidies.  Can you explain?  (Moe ~ Reno, NV)

A. Let’s say that you qualify for a tax subsidy of $4,000.  That’s taking into consideration your income and qualified expenses.  Now then, you get a better job.  Your living expenses go way down because you move in with relatives.  You are required to report these changes to the IRS.  The result is that you may be required to pay back all or part of that subsidy, plus fines and penalties if you fail to report.  They didn’t tell you about that, did they? 

Q. The word coming out of some study in Washington is that over half of Americans will be unable to retire at anywhere near their prior standard of living.  Most of us have been diligent in preparing for retirement, so why is this so?  (Minnie ~ Minneapolis, MN)
A. Did you calculate skyrocketing insurance premiums under ObamaCare?  Did you account for increased taxes and fees?  Did you account for the runaway inflation that is about to strike the U.S.?  Did you account for reduced retirement income and benefits due to broken contracts involving the bankruptcy or insolvency of major cities and counties?  Did you account for periods of unemployment or decreased wages? 

Q. We all know that ObamaCare is a broken Obama promise, but there are so many more.  Can you list some?  (Chandra ~ Lakeport, CA)
A. There is not enough space on the entire Internet to list all of them.  Here are some:

The website is simple and user-friendly  

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.

If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.

Premiums will fall by as much as $2,500 per family. 

Obamacare won't add 'one dime' to our deficits. 

The ACA will cost around $900 billion over 10 years.

Families making less than $250,000 won't see 'any form' of tax increase. 

The ACA will keep healthcare costs down.
You have a deadline and a mandate.

Sure, the national exchange is glitchy, but the state sites are working great.

An errant anti-Muslim video caused the Benghazi attack. 

By a lie, a man... annihilates his dignity as a man.” ~ Immanuel Kant


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