Friday, January 31, 2014


Representative Steve Stockman of Texas walked out on Obama’s State of the Union Speech Tuesday and has announced he may file Articles of Impeachment against the President.  “Obama defiantly vowed not only to radically expand the reach of government from cradle to grave, but to smash the Constitution’s restrictions on government power while doing it.”  Stockman accused the president of promising to “break his oath of office and begin enacting his own brand of law through executive decree.”

Well, we’ll see what happens.  All of the whining coming from the Republicans and the filing of a lawsuit is about as worthless as teats on a boar hog.  The only way to deal with the reckless lawlessness of this President is through Impeachment and he has presented several reasons for such actions already.  Granted, if the House goes ahead and votes Articles of Impeachment, then the Reid-controlled Senate has to have the trial, which would be chaired by Chief Justice John Roberts.  Although I consider it highly unlikely that the Senate would ever convict Obama, they would at least have to halt their own nasty agendas long enough to deal with the Impeachment issue. Now, this is an election year, and we’d be putting politicians on the spot of having to declare their support… or disdain… for Obama.  For that reason alone, I don’t expect Stockman’s efforts to go anywhere, because the Republicans have so far not displayed the balls necessary to get such a job done.   

Q. So, if Obama goes ahead and starts signing Executive Orders that violate the laws, just what can the House do about it?  (Peter ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. It’s called Impeachment.  But, the Senate has to go along and the people of the country have to be angry and literally foaming at the mouth.  Both political parties have displayed total disdain of the Impeachment process; I think they correctly assume that if the President can be removed from office for breaking the laws, then so can they. 

Q. Obama vowed to get gun control with or without Congress.  There again, he threatened to use his pen and the Republican response has been, “He can’t do that.”  Well, he’s been doing it hot and heavy anyway and getting away with it.  So, who is going to stop him?  (Happy ~ Granite Falls, WA) 
A. You and me.  We do it by running off all of those no-good Democrats AND Republicans who simply refuse, for whatever reason, to do the jobs that we sent them there to do.  They need to be replaced and you and I need to work together to accomplish that in November.  We start by voting the incumbents out in the primaries, before they even get a chance to get on the final ballot.  As for guns, I have three pistols that have been laying around in the house fully loaded for many years and they have yet to shoot anyone.  Guns don’t kill people any more than knives, cars or banana peels. 

Q. I keep hearing there are problems with the Syrian deal.  Do you think it will fall through?  (Tammy ~ Weed, CA)
A. When is the last time we reached a “deal” with an Islamist that actually worked out?  Obama keeps saying we have to give diplomacy a chance to work, both with Syria and with Iran.  We have never, to my knowledge, reached an agreement with either government that reached total fruition… never.  In the meantime, over there in Iran where Congress wants to add sanctions and Obama refuses, they are now deemed to be four weeks away from having a nuclear weapon.  If they launch one at Israel, just what do you think Obama will do about it… invite Netanyahu over for a beer in the Rose Garden? 

“The only reason Obama keeps Joe Biden around is for Impeachment insurance.”  ~ The Unknown Scribbler


Thursday, January 30, 2014


The National Taxpayer Advocate says that some 20 million telephone calls to IRS last year were not answered.  "At the risk of vast understatement, it is a sad state of affairs when the government writes tax laws as complex as ours -- and then is unable to answer any questions beyond 'basic' ones from baffled citizens who are doing their best to comply," the report from National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson said. 


To make a long story short, I had to interact with IRS twice last year.  I called them regarding a question pertaining to a non-profit organization.  After about 40 minutes’ wait time, I finally was connected to a lady who was obviously in a bad, bad mood.  I never did get a straight answer to my question and she finally told me to go to my local IRS Office.  The second interaction was at the local IRS Office where, after three hours sitting in the lobby I was called in to an agent who handed me a telephone number to call… the same number I had called before.  I totally agree: The IRS is not responsive and, considering what they are doing to Conservative non-profits, I further agree that we should simply go to a flat tax and abolish the IRS; they do not deserve to be employed with my tax money.  I can hardly wait to hear the forthcoming stories about Americans, ObamaCare and the IRS.  


Q. What kind of impact do you think Obama will have on the 2014 elections? (Benny ~ Little Rock, AR)
A. Disastrous for the Democrats.  If he wants to help any candidate at all, he would be wise to climb back underneath the rock that he came from… at least until the elections are over.  The only Democrats I can think of who want to be within ten miles of him are Pelosi, Reid and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.    Oh… I left out Charlie Schumer. 

Q. I got a kick out of Fox News; they sent out a guy to ask people what they thought about the State of the Union Address, only they did it before the address.  It’s amazing how many people weighed in on the address.  What do you think?  (Porky ~ Fullerton, CA)
A. I guess the liberal Democrats are right after all; they have many intellectual abilities including the ability to foresee the future.  We should be in total awe.  Just before I go to bed tonight, I'll say three "Hail Barrys."  

Q. What do you think about the President’s claims of inequality in the work place? (Ashleigh ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. Inequality of what?  The women in the White House get paid less for similar jobs than men; that’s a fact.  Is that what Obama is talking about?  Or is it about the average government worker in Washington, DC getting paid substantially more than civilian counterparts elsewhere? Did he say anything about those things?  How about the government employees in Washington getting special treatment regarding ObamaCare?  This guy likes to talk about everything thing except the facts.  One other thing: As long as he was inviting all of these people to his speech to use as testimony for his acumen as President, why didn’t he have one of the survivors from Benghazi there?  

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." ~ Aristotle


Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Several states have taken overt actions against the Federal Government in retaliation for its bully tactics. They are telling State employees that they cannot participate in the enforcement of Federal laws and they are threatening to shut off State or county provided water and electricity to Federal buildings. 


The level of disgust with the Obama-style Federal government is reaching the boiling point.  Could what is happening in the Ukraine happen here? 


Q. I had a good insurance policy that was cancelled as a result of ObamaCare.  I cannot get anywhere near as good a coverage through ObamaCare without paying almost twice as much for premiums.  Then, I heard yesterday about Senator Tom Coburn who has cancer and his new ObamaCare policy won’t cover a cancer specialist.  What is this S.O.B. President doing to this country?  (Ted ~ Heber City, UT)
A. The country voted for change, remember?  Well, he’s changing it.  If I were you, I’d be raising hell with Orin Hatch, Mike Lee and Rob Bishop.  If they can’t, or won’t help you, vote them out in November.  The voters need to express their outrage. 

Q. I’m not happy with either political party.  The Democrats are way too left for me and the Republicans are not much better.  The Republicans have pretty much made it clear they do not want conservative thinks in their party.  What’s my alternative?  Is there going to be a third party?  (Nancy ~ Ventura, CA)
A. There are several other active parties in the U.S., but the one that is growing by leaps and bounds and which wants Americans to get back to their fundamental patriotic and conservative roots is the Libertarian Party.  I think they will have a big impact on the 2014 mid-terms.  Check them out:

Q. Chuck Schumer has lashed out saying the Tea Party is against immigration because they feel that will make the country less white.  Is he accusing the Tea Party of being racist, like the KKK?  (Norm ~ Fort Worth, TX)
A. Yes.  Schumer is so afraid of the Tea Parties that he hates them and despises them.  When you get left-wing radical liberals shaking with outrage in their boots, you know you’re on the right track.  He and his Marxist friends have been demonizing the Tea Parties to no end because the Tea Parties are waking up America to the fact that this liberalism is killing our country. 

TODAY’S QUOTE:” I have a message from the Tea Party, a message that is loud and clear and does not mince words. We've come to take our government back.”  ~Rand Paul


Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Israeli jets flew over Lebanon Sunday night and rained Holy Hell on Russian-made Syrian missile sites which could be used to launch an attack on Israel. 


Hooray for Israel.  The Israeli government is concerned with the growing closeness between Hezbollah, Lebanon and Syria and the possibility that Assad’s weapons of mass destruction, possibly including chemicals, may be in the process of being transferred to Hezbollah in Lebanon.  Assad has become so dependent on the assistance of Hezbollah and Iran that the assumption in Israel is that he cannot say no when there is a demand from one of the parties to supply anything to Hezbollah. This action should also send a message to Iran that Israel, unlike the U.S., does not intend to pussyfoot around. 


Q. Are you going to watch the State of the Union, and what do you think Obama will say?  (Corky ~ Santa Paula, CA)
A. I have no intentions of watching it.  He’s going to tell the country what a great President he’s been; how things are getting better; how things could be even better if the Republicans weren’t in the way; how if the Congress won’t work with him, then he’s forced to go around them; how great the future is for ObamaCare; and for the fifth year in a row, how he’s going to make jobs his number one priority. 

Q. Atheists in Stratton, Ohio, have forced the city to take down crosses that were on municipal buildings for decades.  Isn’t there some way we can put a stop to these outrages?  (Freddie ~ Sebastopol, CA)
A. The First Amendment to the Constitution reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  The atheist group in Ohio is called “Freedom from Religion.”  Where in the Amendment text does it say, “Freedom from Religion?”  The Court has totally blown it and Americans need to stand up and reassert their rights to worship God without Government… or atheist… interference.   

Q. Hillary now says what happened in Benghazi is her biggest regret.  Why does she say that now and why doesn’t she come clean about the cover up?  (Lionel ~ Boise, ID)
A. It’s her biggest regret because she’s getting ready to run for President and Benghazi might be her undoing.  She doesn’t come clean about the cover up because that will seal her fate and probably get Obama impeached as well. 

“When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.” Thomas Jefferson


Monday, January 27, 2014


A recent Gallup poll reflects that 46% of Americans identify as neither Democrat nor Republican; they are considered as Independents.

That means 46% of the country is not happy with the way either party operates the government.  It also means a third political party could pick up just 3% of the voters from each party and win in 2016.  More significantly, and on a very positive note, I think the poll reflects a growing discontent with the Progressives and their anti-American agenda.    

Q. How are we ever going to stop all of this gun violence?  (Tammy ~ Atascadero, CA)
A. We already know that laws against guns won’t get the job done.  We also know that communities with high private ownership of guns and high concealed-carry participation have the lowest violent crime rates.  The answer is obvious: We need to encourage citizen gun ownership, training and concealed carry. 

Q. Why do you hate Obama so much?  (Chastity ~ Broomfield, CO)
A. Because of his ideology, everything he represents and what he has done to this country.  His wife is admittedly anti-white full-blown racist and he is overtly trying to change this country into Marxism. He is corrupt to the core, he lies through his teeth, he manipulates the facts, he mistreats his own people and he doesn’t give a damned whether you or I like any of this at all.  He is definitively against everything I stand for as an American citizen and if you don’t feel the same way, then you fall into the same categories.  If you don’t love your country, its history and what it stands for, you don’t belong here either… period.      

Q. I see Aetna may pull out of ObamaCare.  There are not that many insurers anyway.  Experts say premiums have to be hiked, perhaps doubled, or they can’t make a profit.  What happens if they all pull out?  (Mike ~ Albuquerque, NM)
A. You’re wishing that would mean the end to ObamaCare, aren’t you?  Obama has already put into motion a plan to convert the ObamaCare network into a single-payer system operated by the government which every single American would have to belong to.  If you think things are bad now, wait until that happens!And you can't stop it unless you vote his Senate cronies out in November. 

On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does.” ~ Will Rogers


Saturday, January 25, 2014


California’s new gun laws require that new pistols sold in California be able to micro-stamp ammunition cartridges with the pistol identification number.  The law provides that existing approved pistols will be grandfathered in.  However, pistol manufacturers are constantly making modifications to their pistols, just as auto manufacturers do.  California has now taken the position that any such modification to a pistol means that it is a new pistol and has to have the micro-stamping process.  Consequently, you can’t buy a new pistol in California if it was modified from its original, licensed configuration. 


It is readily apparent to anyone looking at this ridiculous ruling that it was all designed to prevent citizens from being able to exercise their Constitutional rights to purchase and bear arms.  This is akin to saying that if a car manufacturer goes to a better quality of brakes, the whole vehicle has to be re-licensed in order to be sold in the state.  Since new laws also prevent the modification of the gun by the owner, I have to assume that the addition of a laser sight capability would require me to toss the gun in the ashcan because it doesn’t micro-stamp cartridges.  Of course, a thug could retrieve said gun from the ashcan and create all kinds of mayhem, but I guess that doesn't count.   


Q. What are the Japanese doing with the nuclear fuel they are removing from the reactors at Fukushima?  (Boss ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. They are feverishly looking for a place to store it.  How about downtown Washington, DC? 

Q. They’re forecasting now that due to the requirements being placed on doctors, as many as 50% of them may close up shop during the next 12 months.  What does Obama have to say about that?  (Leonora ~ Beverly Hill, CA)
A. Probably something like, “Gosh, isn’t that just too damned bad?” 

Q. I hear that Canadians are buying up potassium iodide like there’s no tomorrow to help protect them against radiation from the Fukushima plant.  Is there that much of a danger?  (Jeff ~ Mountain Home, ID)
A. The Canadians think so.  Evidently, we don’t need to worry because, we have ObamaCare. 


Nobody could tell us or really had a very good idea, if there were a massive release of radiation, what kind of medical treatment people were going to need and this or that, or, indeed, whether there would be medical personnel around.” William Scranton


Friday, January 24, 2014


The support for ObamaCare has reached a new low according to recent polls in several venues. 

Remember: Obama doesn’t care what the polls say; you WILL sign up for ObamaCare. If you’re not required to this year, you will be next year.  If you fail to sign up as required by the law, you WILL pay a fine and/or go to jail.  There’s not a damned thing you can do about it because, what Obama wants, Obama gets.  Sieg heil! 

Q. What do you think about Justin Bieber getting arrested for drag racing a yellow Lamborghini on a public street?  (Chad ~ Paso Robles, CA)
A. Yellow is the problem; I would have arrested him, too.  Red would have been better.  He needs to shack up with Lindsay Lohan. 

Q. As far as NSA surveillance of U.S. citizens goes, what do you think about Obama’s new plan?  (Prentice ~ Lake Havasu, AZ)
A. His solution is to keep collecting the data and storing it with a third party.  Now, you can have all of these damned laws, regulations and procedures, but you still have the human factor and humans like to get their hands into cookie jars.  The Constitution doesn’t discuss where products of illegal searches and seizures are stored; only that due process is required.  It’s the act of snooping that’s illegal, not necessarily the storing of information; although the storing of information obtained by illegal means would also be illegal, I would think.  Their proposal is as bogus as a $4 bill.    

Q. I just heard that the government can go after the estate of people who have died and who were on Medicaid in order to recoup costs. This is outrageous; Medicaid is not insurance, it’s a constructive loan.  (Amy ~ Issaquah, WA)
A. Just another one of those famous Pelosi “You’ve got to read it to know what’s in it” provisions?  This whole ObamaCare thing is an outright sham and a disgrace to our country.  But, as Joe Biden said yesterday, that’s tough; we’re never going to go back to the way it was, so eat it.  It’s a bitter pill to swallow, isn’t it?  Maybe we need to stand up, raise hell and convince them otherwise…

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” ~ Adolf Hitler


Thursday, January 23, 2014


FOX NEWS is reporting that the EPA is working closely with various environmental groups to develop and initiate strategies to scuttle the construction of the Keystone Pipeline from Canada to Texas. A series of e-mails has been obtained under the Freedom of Information Act that seems to indicate a conspiracy to stop the project. 


Canada has a surplus of oil and has indicated a desire to sell it to the U.S. as opposed to other countries.  God bless them, but Obama is clearly against the pipeline because, he wants energy prices in the U.S. to soar for a variety of reasons, one of which is probably to line the pockets of some of his influential Middle Eastern friends and to ensure a comfortable retirement for himself.  His position is clearly contradictory to the wishes of the majority of Americans and Congressional members who relish the thought of having additional oil flow into the country.  But then again, Obama doesn’t give a hoot what anybody else thinks. 


Q. Why is it that the Russians are so reluctant to accept U.S. help on the security for the Olympics?  (Carla ~ Reno, NV)
A. Just what makes you think we are God’s gift to international security?  The Russians invented spying and police actions and Putin was the master of it for many years.  Obama, on the other hand, is undoubtedly the worst possible President this country could ever have during such a threat.  Besides, the Russians now have Snowden and we don’t. 

Q. I’m really concerned about the threat of cyber-attack.  We depend so much on computers in this country; I really think it is possible to shut the whole country down and throw us back into the dark ages.  How can we protect ourselves?  (Luke ~ Sun City, AZ)
A. You are correct in being concerned.  To start off, we need to quit being so cavalier about what computer protections we do have.  We talk about firewalls and anti-virus protections as if we are invulnerable.  But, there are thousands of professional and amateur hackers out there looking for ways to get in.  The proliferation of sophisticated but infected emails and malicious malware is also disconcerting.  I think we have to start by taking our computers off line when we are not sitting in front of them.  I’m not only talking about home PC’s, but mainframes as well.  Businesses can communicate in bursts as opposed to staying on-line continuously.  We need to change passwords frequently and keep them strong.  Keep your gas tanks full and have extra water around.  Be alert.  If your computer does anything unexpected, immediately get off line and run a full-system virus scan.  It may be inconvenient, but I’d rather be safe than sorry.  Those are my recommendations. 

Q. What do you think about Israel discovering and stopping an Al Qaeda plot to blow up the U.S. Embassy in Tel-Aviv? (Tanya ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A. Back to the first question of the day, (above).  If we’re so damned smart and capable, why didn’t WE catch it?  This is one big reason why I trust what the Israel government has to say about Iranian nuclear progress much more than what Obama tells us.  I think our spy works are so busy trying to find out what Obama’s domestic political enemies are up to that we have let national security go to pot, or Colorado. 

TODAY’S QUOTE: In Russia we only had two TV channels. Channel One was propaganda. Channel Two consisted of a KGB officer telling you: Turn back at once to Channel One.” ~ Yakov Smirnoff


Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Without fanfare, Accenture has taken over work on the ObamaCare website.  CGI Federal, the prior contractor, has four new contracts with DHHS and it is known that one of their top executives went to Purdue with Michelle Obama.  The government did not go through established procurement methods for the CGI deal; it was a “no bid” contract.  It is now revealed that Accenture also has a “no-bid” contract, worth $90 million.  As it turns out, the company’s top analytic researcher there worked on Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign. 

Now, isn’t that just soooo comfy? 

Q. Recognizing that things can change in time, who would you say are your favorites to run for the Presidency today?  (Theo ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Herman Cain, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul… not necessarily in that order, but I’d like to see them all take a stab at it and any one or two of them would make an outstanding President/Vice-President team in my opinion.  Yes, I categorically rule out Chris Christie, Jeb Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Martin Sheen.   

Q. The Republicans justifiably keep trying to end ObamaCare.  But, they promised years ago to come up with an alternative.  Where is it?  (Julius ~ Jackson, WY)
A. John Boehner is saying they will introduce the alternative in 2014.  I hate to say this, but I’m not excited; any legislation the House is coming up with these days is suspect.  The Republican hierarchy is tainted by the presence of die-hard Progressives. 

Q. Did I hear that Senator Harry Reid is finally going to be subjected to an ethics investigation?  (Les ~ Henderson, NV)
A. No, you didn’t.  But there IS a group pushing for it.  They say he used his influence and position to help a politically connected casino get visas for foreign investors.  They allege that the Obama Administration, after repeated calls from Reid and his staffers, overruled career Homeland Security officials and expedited visa applications for about two dozen foreign investors for the casino.  I wonder if the casino is where Obama stayed when he flew to Vegas during the Benghazi Massacre…

”I am the government.” ~ Andrew Cuomo


Tuesday, January 21, 2014


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo spoke eloquently for the people of New York when he said about conservatives: "Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and they’re the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are." 


I never, ever thought I would agree with anything Cuomo says, but he hit the nail right on the head this time: New Yorkers do not believe in the right to life, they do not believe in guns and they are predominantly gay.   Just remember: If he runs for President, that's what he expects America to become. 


Q. I’m really ticked off about the way the press and media are going after Chris Christie.  This partisanship is so blatant that it’s scary.  (Uke ~ Laramie, WY) 
A. Don’t worry about Christie; he’s a big boy.  Keep your focus on the things that do matter; keep your insistence on answers about Benghazi, Fast & Furious, the IRS, the NSA, ObamaCare and lies.  Those are the subjects we should be concentrating on. 

Q. Obama has come out said that the only reason his ratings are plummeting is due to racism.  Where does he get off constantly playing this damned race card?  (Ophelia ~ Richmond, CA)
A. Obama has to blame someone or something; he has never been able to accept responsible for his own destiny or actions.  In that respect, he shows a bad image for blacks to follow.  You’d think that his position is if he shoots someone dead, he should be excused because he’s black; otherwise, the cops are racist.  If he’d quit his bellyaching and start acting like a President, his ratings would be one helluva lot better.  The only real “race” here is that he’s in a race to destroy this country and we’re in a race to save it. 

Q. What is a “Convention of the States,” and what is this talk about having one?  (Louis ~ Needles, AZ)
A. Article V of the Constitution provides states can convene for the purpose of amending the Constitution, just as Congress can propose amendments.  If the legislatures of ¾ of the states approve the amendment(s) under either method of initiating, it then becomes part of the Constitution.  That’s how you legally change things in this country, not by finding ways around the Constitution or ignoring it altogether.  There’s a move on now to amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget and to restore powers of government to the states as the Constitution provides under the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  The Federal government has been seizing for itself rights reserved to the states for decades. 


“It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their own selfish purposes.” ~ Andrew Jackson


Monday, January 20, 2014


As everyone knows, today is the day the country celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday; he was actually born January 15, 1929.  The press and the media, however, seem to be obsessed with another birthday… that of Michelle Barack Obama, actually born January 17, 1964. 
Actually, her middle name is LaVaughn, but I couldn’t resist it.  Hillary, the Democrat’s front 2016 Presidential candidate for the moment, is vulnerable.  Do not rule out the possibility that Michelle will run;  I think she’ll run for the VP slot if Hillary gets the nod, but she could well be a dark-horse candidate for the top job herself. I think that’s why the White House has ordered the press and media to play down King’s birthday and concentrate on Michelle’s.  Eight more years of Obama is but a small price to pay for the great service he is providing through ObamaCare and Benghazi, don't you agree? 

Q. Just out of curiosity, how many of those new 2 million ObamaCare signups already had policies before ObamaCare came along?  I mean, isn’t this about getting uninsured people insured?  (Merry ~ San Dimas, CA)
A. First of all, we don’t know that 2 million people have actually signed up; the Administration is claiming that figure, but they admit that they have no way of telling how many people have actually paid.  I suspect it is grossly overstated, as the Obama camp is historically prone to do. The WALL STREET JOURNAL is reporting that the majority of those signing up already had insurance, either through their employers or through private plans.  This means that a very low number signing up is getting insurance for the first time.  We also know that the number of younger enrollees is running about half of the bare minimum needed to sustain ObamaCare.  Obama, nevertheless, is prepared to spend more money after bad, either through a taxpayer-funded bailout or through premium increases.  Forcing people to accept something they do not want or cannot afford is called oppression.  Oppression has nothing to do with taking your pants to the cleaners.   

Q. In your opinion, all things considered, should the U.S. and other nations be adding sanctions to Iran or going along with the new program and dropping them?  (Byron ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. Why don’t we just wait until Iran nukes Israel and deal with it then?  Iran has two agendas: (1) gain nuclear weapons, (2) destroy Israel.  They are on the very verge of attaining the weapons grade plutonium in sufficient quantities to create nukes.  If keeping sanctions hasn’t stopped them, will dropping sanctions?  And remember… they’re Muslims; they lie like Obama. 

Q. I don’t understand your increasing calls to impeach Obama.  He’s the President, for God’s sake!  Can’t you get that into your head?  Besides, he’ll be gone in three more years anyway.  (Robyn ~ Chicago, IL)
A. At the rate we’re now going, in three years we’ll be $24 trillion in debt; they’ll be in the process of confiscating guns; Iran will have nuked Israel; the Middle East will be a desert of flames; God will be dead in this country; unemployment will be at 5% but 100 million people will be out of work; you’ll have to wait three weeks to see a doctor.  Is that what you want? 

“If the FBI interviewed none of the victims of the IRS targeting scandal, what makes you believe that they actually interviewed anyone about the Benghazi Massacre?” ~ The Unknown Scribbler