Monday, December 19, 2011


From Reuters:  “The last convoy of U.S. soldiers pulled out of Iraq on Sunday, ending nearly nine years of war that cost almost 4,500 American and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives, and left a country grappling with political uncertainty.” 

Now, here’s my problem.  We gave Saddam and his boys almost a year’s notice after 9/11 before we went in, so he had plenty of time to hide his weapons.  If we were going to invade Iraq, we should have done it within days of hitting Afghanistan.  Otherwise, we should have stayed out.  So, I’m not happy that we got there in the first place; but, we did.  We didn’t fight this war to win it; our troops had their hands tied behind their backs.  The whole scenario is ugly, but now we’re getting out and Iran is drooling.  How do you feel about 4,500 American lives being lost for nothing and under the circumstances?  So, we made two mistakes: (1) going in late and (2) getting out early.  Bush and Obama can share the blame on this one. 

Q. If he wins the nomination and gets elected, what kind of President do you think Romney would be?  (Tracy ~ Tracy, CA)
A. I respond by stating that the DES MOINES REGISTER, a liberal left newspaper in Iowa,  backed Obama in the last election and now they are backing Romney.  I don’t see him as being as radical left as Obama and he will be nowhere near Reagan.  I think he’ll be just a tad worse than either Bush. 

Q. We have been secretly negotiating with the Taliban for over 10 months.  Do you think the talks will be fruitful?  (Cheeter ~ Hot Springs, AR)
A. The Taliban deals from a position of strength; we do not.  They may meet some short-term deal, but they will never achieve a long-lasting mutual accord, especially with this regime that’s in charge in the U.S.  Send the dance orchestra home.     

Q. Do you think we should put term limits on Congress?  (Willie ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. No.  It’s our job to pay attention and to get rid of the bad apples.  We’ve been lazy and haven’t been fully informed when we go to the polls.  If we can resolve this problem, we don’t need term limits.  We also need to do something about the lobbyists. 

“Real lobbying reform must end the practice of corporate lobbyists writing our laws.” ~ Marty Meehan


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