Saturday, December 10, 2011


According to late breaking news last night from the Associated Press, four Nuclear Regulatory commissioners from both parties say they have "grave concerns" about the panel's chairman, charging that the actions of Gregory Jaczko are "causing serious damage" to the commission and creating a "chilled work environment at the NRC."  They are concerned that his negative and bullying style of management could adversely impact oversight of 104 nuclear reactors. 

I don’t know what the problem is; maybe they just found out they are not eligible for ObamaCare.  Actually, this is a serious situation that needs to be addressed immediately.  Unfortunately, Obama is headed for Hawaii on vacation.  Once again, he'll be missing in action when leadership is desperately needed.   

Q. Now that the European Union economic situation seems to be resolved, does this mean that our economy will get better?  (Fred ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. The situation has NOT been resolved.  What we have is a patchwork agreement that kicks the can down the road.  There are many economic scholars who continue to feel we are on the verge of a worldwide depression that could dwarf the 1930’s.  Like you, I am sick and tired of this continuing parade of bad news, but I would rather know the facts than to have them glossed over like the media is currently doing. 

Q. You haven’t said much about Ron Paul.  Do you think he might win the Republican nomination?   (Mo ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. I don’t think so.  The Republican Party is dominated by two schools of thought: (1) we need to be in the middle to get the independent voters to beat Obama, and (2) we need to get back to our conservative roots.  The Conservatives are really seeking a candidate they can put their hope and trust in, but I think Paul’s stance on many issues borders on the verge of being too extreme. On the other hand, I have some serious concerns about Gingrich; I hope this is not going to be an election where we put up Romney because we have no other choice.   

Q. Do you really think that things will get worse for the country if Obama is reelected, or are you just saying that because you are a Republican?   (Wanda ~ West Sacramento, CA)
A. I may be registered as a Republican, but that does not mean I am a die-hard Republican; far from it.  I put America first and I do not hesitate in saying that Obama is by far the worst President this country has ever had.  He wears his future intentions on his sleeve.   

“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” ~ Abraham Lincoln


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