Thursday, December 15, 2011


Starting almost without a whisper of resistance, China has announced up a 22% import tax on U.S. made automobiles.  Chinese officials said U.S.-built SUVs and luxury sedans sold there were causing "substantial damage to China's domestic industry."

As if the goods they sell the U.S. are not causing “substantial damage to America’s domestic industries?”  They stand very much to be the losers here.  My knee-jerk reaction is to slap a 25% tariff on everything they sell here, but that will drive up domestic prices at a time of economic adversity in the marketplace; it’s kind of a “catch 22.”  Nevertheless, I would certainly threaten to do so unless they back off, and I’d be looking for viable alternatives to their imports here.  But, not until after Obama gets his 17-day Hawaiian vacation, of course, and resolves his jobs crisis. He's such a ball of fire....
Q. They say the housing numbers we have been getting have been far worse than what we were told.  Can’t we trust anything they say?  (Morgan ~ Sausalito, CA)
A. No, you can’t.  In this case, the numbers were inflated by as much as 20% since 2007; this could mean housing sales were actually worse than during the Great Depression. The number of new jobs created each week is also usually overstated and quietly adjusted a week or so later.  The real news has often been so bad that the incentive for the Administration has been to manipulate them and this gang has been using fuzzy math from day one.  

Q. Senator Boxer says there will be 8,000 additional deaths per year if the GOP payroll tax cut is signed.  She claims that the bill contains language that would delay implementation of a boiler protection regulation.  Is that true?  (Bernie ~ Las Vegas, NV)   
A. Here we go with the scare tactics again.  My God, the sky is falling in!  Of course, you have to ask why such a provision is in the language of a payroll tax cut bill in the first place.  Shame on the Republicans for putting it there and shame on Boxer for her outright lies; I’d be willing to bet $10,000 that she’s full of pigeon dung.  What facts does she use to base that damned claim on?   

Q. Holder says we have no right to require proof of citizenship before a person can vote?  (Sissy ~ Anderson, CA)
A. Holder has to take that position; how can he defend the fact that we elected a President who refuses to provide proof of citizenship?  In the realistic realm, however, the law says you have to be a citizen in order to vote.  Failure to require proof opens the door to all of Obama’s illegal alien Mexican friends to vote.  This is an outright attempt to thwart our election system.  Holder has to go bye-bye…now.   

“An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it.” ~ George Bernard Shaw

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