Sunday, December 11, 2011


Before Vladimir Putin assumed Russia’s Presidency in 2000, he was an “iron fist” in charge of the KGB.  Putin had to step aside in 2008 due to term limits and became Premier; the then Premier, Dimitry Medvedev ran for the Presidency and was elected.  Putin now seeks to have two more terms as President and Medvedev has stepped aside.  The Russian people, however, are rioting in the streets, charging election fraud and demanding an end to Putin’s Rule. 

Putin has made recent overt moves toward the reunification of the Soviet Union.  Although his ruling party lost many seats, it is feared that he may pull a coup and take over as a dictator, thereby trashing the Russian Constitution and pushing the world back into a cold war or worse.  These events require close observation, not that we have a President capable of dealing with the situation.   

Q. There’s been talk that the Republicans won’t give in on continued payroll tax reductions unless Obama caves in on the Midwest oil pipeline.  How do the two relate to each other?  (Brissa ~ San Diego, CA)
A. The Democrats are claiming that the 2011 payroll tax cuts produced jobs, although there is no evidence to support that claim.  The Republicans are saying the pipeline will produce 20,000 jobs.  The bottom line to me is that the pipeline is a private venture that will not cost the government or taxpayers one dime, while the payroll tax cuts will and we simply don’t have the money.  I don’t want to see payroll taxes go back up at this stage of the game, but we would have to cut spending in some other area to make up for this cost. 

Q. I read that Google Maps is compromising national security.  How, and why are they getting away with it?  (Moses – Moses Lake, WA)
A. You can zoom in on their satellite images and see top secret military installations and classified aircraft.  That having been said, foreign nations have access to the same information with their own satellites.  I’m sure if Iran wants to know about our secret bases, Russia or China will provide them with some pretty detailed photos. 

Q. Why are some corporate leaders saying that the worst is not yet over with the economy?  (Elke ~ North Hollywood, CA)
A. Sales of consumer goods in European countries are down.  Although most of those goods are manufactured overseas, many materials used in that manufacturing are made in the USA.  Sales of those materials are down sharply.  Also, few believe the recent financial accords among European nations will be either effective or long lasting. 

“In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world.” ~ Barack Obama


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