Thursday, December 1, 2011


Brian Hayes, the only Republican member of the National Labor Relations Boards, (NLRB), threatened to resign from the board if they tried to pass rules that would make it easier for unions to run amok over union members by “streamlining” the election process.  Had he resigned, the NLRB would not have a quorum and would be unable to vote on anything; instead, they vastly changed the language in their regulations and toned it down to apply only in rare instances in small unions. 

My God, a Republican didn’t waffle in the clutch.  Maybe, just maybe, there’s hope for that party after all. 

Q. Now, they’ve downgraded the credit standings of five major U.S. banks.  Those five banks control virtually everything that is going on with banking in the country.  Is this ominous or not?  (Pete ~ Stockton, CA)
A. It’s certainly not good.  I keep saying that the economic stability of this country is precarious at best.  And we have a Congress and a President who don’t seem to give a damn. 

Q. I can’t believe that John McCain has the audacity to try and pass a Bill that would suspend American jurisprudence and violate the Constitution by giving the Executive Branch the power to have the military detain an American citizen in this country and jail him without trial, simply on the basis that he might be a terrorist.  As I understand it, the proposal was so broad and vague that, if the President decided he didn’t like your blog, he could shut it down and throw you in prison without any hearing or right to trial.  This coming from John McCain?  Did he become a convert to Communism when he was in the POW camp?  (Byron ~ Redding, CA)
A. Well, if the terrorist is not an American citizen, I think he may have a point.  However, and you are right, we have a Constitution and when you’re dealing with an American citizen, we have a right to be charged and a right to trial by our peers.  This is typical of why I was so upset when the Republicans put him up for President.  And, I don’t think Romney is any better, either.  I have three words for them: “Closet progressive liberals.”  Where has reason gone in Washington, anyway? 

Q. Facebook is in big trouble over privacy issues and charges that it misled subscribers on the issue.  What do you think?  (Myra ~ Phoenix, AZ)
A. To the dismay of many of my friends, I dropped out of Facebook two months ago.  They, like Netflix, should go out of business for treating their consumers like imbeciles.  They are having an IPO next year and I wouldn’t touch it with a 13-foot pole.   

“Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun.” – Pete Cashmore, Mashable CEO


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