Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build 16 nuclear plants and to obtain nuclear weapons to defend itself against Iran and others in the vicinity that may get access to nukes. 

Your move, Dr. Obama.  Just what are you going to do now? 

Q. Donald Trump just switched his registration to Independent.  Do you think he will run for President that way?  (Harold – Kent, WA)
A. No.  He’s an opportunist and a buffoon; he’s trying to pump up ratings for his TV show.  But, he’s also a smart man and an American and he knows a third-party run would virtually guarantee an Obama win and he doesn’t want to see that anymore than you or I do. 

Q. Do you think the nation would be any better off with a Republican President and Republican Senate and House?  (Charlene ~ Bismarck, ND)
A. Not necessarily.  We already have been there and done that and it was a severe disappointment.  It all depends on the patriotism and the commitment of the people in office.  That is the magic formula: make sure the people we elect this time around are patriotic and committed to doing what is best for the country. 

Q. Iran is conducting military exercises in the Strait of Hormuz for the purpose of drilling troops on how to close down shipping in the Strait if anyone takes any military action against them, such as striking their nuclear plants.  The U.S. has a large naval presence there.  This looks like potential for a nasty confrontation to me.  (Josh ~ Sonoma, CA)
A. Iran, in their eyes, would have a lot to gain by having such a confrontation, particularly since any response from Obama would likely fall short of being serious.  Knowing that, our people have probably been warned to steer clear of Iranian vessels. 

"The penalty of not participating in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors." ~ Plato  (Wow, is that the understatement of the year!)


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