Friday, December 23, 2011


Hours after the last U.S. troops left Iraq, it now appears that the county may erupt in civil war, with the Shiites and the Sunnis being the chief rivals. 

Iran has been poking at the Sunnis for months, riling them up to prepare for this.  Look for Iran to now enter the military theater and for all we accomplished there to be lost.  I don’t see Obama admitting he was wrong and going to Iraq’s rescue, so we will have an Iran-Iraq war, with Syria likely to get involved as well.  The Middle East tinderbox is now getting very hot. 

Q. We are still almost a year away from the elections and already the negative political ads are starting.  I am so sick and tired of mudslinging.  What can we do about it?  (Crystal ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. I agree.  If a candidate has no good attributes he can talk about, he shouldn’t be running.  As for me, I’m not voting for anyone who uses negative ads and I intend to email them to tell them so.  If I want negativity in my life, all I have to do is turn on C-Span and watch Congress. 

Q. Obama was really putting on the muscle regarding the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits.  Why didn’t he do this a month ago?  (Chet ~ Susanville, CA)
A. Because he wanted to make the Republicans look bad.  That’s why the Senate turned down the House proposal and wouldn’t even let Senators vote on it.  Then, the Senate passed a bill that they knew the House could not agree to, and they left town, thereby putting the icing on the political cake.   That’s dirty, rotten Chicago-style politics;  I hope you don’t want four more years of it.  And, as I predicted here a few days ago, the Republicans caved in again.  I keep saying they should make it official and become the Democratic Republican Party.   

Q. Do you think Ron Paul or Donald Trump or someone else might run as a third party candidate?  (Lynn ~ Twin Falls, ID)
A. It is certainly possible, but would virtually assure Obama’s reelection.  If anyone pulls this stunt, they should be hung by their toenails over a vat of boiling oil.   

“Calling a taxi in Texas is like calling a rabbi in Iraq.” ~ Fran Lebowitz


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