Monday, October 31, 2011


The FDA has now decided that the vitamin industry in the country has gotten to be so big that it needs regulating.  It intends, under two new proposals, to crack down on the labeling, testing, manufacture and distribution of vitamins and supplements.  This move is estimated to double the price of all vitamins within the next few years and would force the reclassification of food additives and dietary supplements to be managed by the FDA. 

The think the EPA should be involved as well, because the bodily wastes we produce could be affected by the vitamins we take, and the air we breathe in and out could affect global warming.  The Department of Health and Human Services should weigh in on this, pardon the play on words, because we are too fat; vitamins may have an effect on that and, while they’re at it, they can legislate smaller spoons, forks and dinner plates.  The Department of Justice, of course, will be faced with jailing those of us who elect to buy our vitamins from Mexico or Canada at a lower price.  All of this means they will have to add 50,000 more employees on the government rolls to administer these things and… taxes will go up.  No wonder the Native Americans don’t like us; we sure have screwed up their country.   

Q. I just saw a video describing the contents of ObamaCare and I got so angry to think that Congress actually passed this atrocity.  It’s such a horrible piece of legislation.  Can’t we find some way to abolish it?  (Chip ~ Bridgeport, CA)
A. Hopefully, the Supreme Court will.  Besides being a horrible medical plan, it is a huge government power grab over you and me. 

Q. I was just reading an article about the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after your work out.  Isn’t that contradictory?  (Samantha ~ Redding, CA)
A. Hah!  I knew a guy who used to run four laps around a lake every day, then run back to his office and take the elevator to the second floor instead of jogging up the stairs.  I used to tell myself that it was healthy to ride my bike five miles into town to have pizza and beer.  Let’s face it: if you’re nuts, you’re nuts.   

Q. Banks are rethinking their plans to charge for ATM debit-card usage.  I guess that’s because everyone is madder than hell.  What do you think?  (Chris ~ Reno, NV)
A. Like I've said, banks are businesses, they have stockholders and they need to make a profit.  If Obama cuts some of their credit card fees, they have to make that loss of income up someplace.  I do think ATM and debit cards were a poor choice to do that,  so I expect the next move will be to do away with free checking accounts for seniors and interest bearing checking accounts. 

“Bank failures are caused by depositors who don't deposit enough money to cover losses due to mismanagement.” ~ Dan Quayle


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