Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Without fanfare or trumpets, the Treasury Department has announced it will borrow $305 billion for the remaining two months of 2011 and another $541 billion in the first quarter of next year.   

This, I presume, is regardless of what the Super Committee decides.  Let me ask you this:  Can you name one… just one Member of Congress, one employee at the White House, one Federal employee… just one who deserves to keep his job?  ENOUGH WITH THE GODDAM SPENDING ALREADY!

Q. What do you make of the sexual harassment allegations against Cain? (Betty ~ Corvallis, OR)
A. It’s too early in this story to really have an opinion.  Remember that, back in the 1990’s when the alleged events occurred, claims for sexual harassment were relatively new and it was not uncommon for disgruntled females to file false claims and for companies to settle them out of court.  Things have evolved, but that is the way it was then, so we need to hear more about this before we reach judgment. 

Q. I see that Hillary Clinton has testified that the Justice Department did not seek State Department approval to send guns into Mexico in “Fast and Furious.”  Does that mean anything?  (Jerry ~ New Orleans, LA)
A. It’s just one more law that they broke.  You note that Obama has voiced confidence in Holder and said that no one in the White House was aware of it, which means to me that they also are as guilty as sin and were in on it.   

Q. Nevada just put in a law saying you can’t use your cell phones in a car unless it is “hands free.”  California has had such a law for a couple of years; how is it working there?  (Myron ~ Elko, NV)
A. All the dizzy blondes are still driving down the road with a phone in each ear.  It’s a law that is not enforced.    

“I'm at the age where food has taken the place of sex in my life. In fact, I've just had a mirror put over my kitchen table.” ~ Rodney Dangerfield


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