Monday, October 24, 2011


Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made it clear to Iran yesterday that they had better not take our withdrawal from Iraq as being a lack of commitment on our part. 

First of all, I need to reiterate that I am surprised that Hillary is doing such a good job as Secretary of State.  In that role, I admire her.  But, anyone who thinks that this President, having now removed U.S. troops from Iraq as he promised his base in 2008, would turn around and take further military action in Iraq to defend them against Iran has not been paying attention to how Barack does business.  For one thing, he has yet to admit that he has made any mistake, and he has made plenty of them.  Iraq is at peril and the lives of our American servicemen and women who were lost there have just been badly denigrated. 

Q. What is your opinion of Libya declaring an Islamic state and installing Sharia law?  (Zeke ~ Madison, WI)
A. That’s one more great chess move for Barack Hussein Obama. 

Q. Eric Holder has told off Alabama by saying people there "are willing to turn their backs on our immigrant past."  If I’m not mistaken, everyone except the Mexicans got here legally.  What’s your opinion?  (Ed ~ Bridgeport, CA)
A. Don’t these guys make you sick?  And, they say such things with such a serious and pompous look.   

Q. I see they arrested a bunch of the protestors at “Occupy Wall Street.”  Are you happy now?  (Maggie ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. No.  They continue to protest at the same location and to deprive businesses and residents of their rights.  The right to free speech does not include the right to infringe upon the rights of others.  If they want to rotate locations and conduct themselves in a peaceful and orderly manner, I’m all for it.    

“Actually, in its purest form, Islam is incredibly tolerant. That makes what's going on in the world really bizarre.” ~ Steve Earle


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