Wednesday, October 19, 2011


By unanimous vote, something unheard of in recent years, the U.S. Senate deiced to prevent BATFE from using government funds to conduct future escapades such as “Fast and Furious.” 

This just goes to show that Republicans and Democrats CAN agree on something important to the country.  It’s too damned bad they can’t address other national concerns in the same manner.  I also hope they drag Holder in there, put him under oath, and grill him to death; water boarding should be permissible. 

Q. I hear that Democrats are starting to avoid Obama like the plague?  (Irv ~ Milpitas, CA)
A. Both on the local and state level, more and more Democrats who will be up for reelection are asking Obama to stay away from their campaigns.  He just faced this problem in Virginia and North Carolina.  New York Daily News owner Mortimer Zuckerman, a longtime supporter of the Democratic Party, says President Obama doesn’t seem to care for people – and the result is an economy that is on the brink of a “potentially catastrophic" collapse.  Among business executives who support Obama in 2008, Zuckerman says, "there is enormously widespread anxiety over the political leadership of the country." Zuckerman reports that among Democrats, "The sense is that the policies of this government have failed. . . . What they say about [Obama] when he's not in the room, so to speak, is astonishing."  Maybe, just maybe, the country is awakening. 

Q. The New York City protesters blame Wall Street for the economic situation.  I always figured it was Congress, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.  Who’s right?  (Phil ~ Eugene, OR)
A. You are, and 56% of Americans agree.   

Q. I see a bunch of Democrats are trying to ban all tobacco products from baseball players.  How asinine can they get?  (Sandy ~ Anderson, CA)
A. They do this under the theory that the chewing of tobacco on the field might influence a youngster to grow up and use chewing tobacco.  The use of tobacco products is legal in this country.  If they want to create a law that would reduce adverse influences on young people, they should get rid of sex, dirty language and shocking violence on TV.  They should also keep their god damned noses out of personal choices in this country.   

“It took me seventeen years to get three thousand hits in baseball. I did it in one afternoon on the golf course.” ~ Hank Aaron


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