Thursday, October 13, 2011


Eric Holder was served with a fistful of Congressional subpoenas yesterday regarding his alleged failure to be forthcoming in prior testimony regarding when he learned about Fast and Furious and his stonewalling on providing documentation and evidence. This comes just one day after he trotted out the news that his department, the Mexicans and intelligence figures had stopped a terrorist plot destined for Washington, DC. 

Twisting, twisting slowly in the wind. 

Q. I know that Obama’s jobs bill got turned down by the Democrat-controlled Senate.  Why?  (Marilyn – Reno, NV)
A. It is a lousy bill, so rotten that no one wants to touch it, including the Democrats.  The vote was not for passage, but to consider passage.  It came up eight votes shy.  Additionally, several other Democrats pledged to vote against it if it ever did come up for passage.  More significantly, Obama cannot now blame the Republicans for its defeat and it signifies that his demands for immediate passage as a complete package were rebuked by his own party. 

Q. What’s this about Blackberry phones going on the fritz?  (Lonnie ~ Tyler, TX)
A. Blackberry cell phones in Europe became unable to send text messages or access the Internet a few days ago.  That outage has spread to the U.S., leaving tens of thousands, maybe millions of hip-hop owners of the trendy devices unable to use them for anything except telephone calls.  Company officials say they are working on the issue, which is a perplexing and bewitching switching problem. Happy Halloween from cyberspace.    

Q. What do you make of the shooting and killing spree at the beauty salon in Seal Beach? (Nancy ~ Chico, CA)
A. Nothing yet.  I don’t know enough details, but my initial reaction is that the gunman was ticked off at his ex-wife, who worked there, and her fellow employees.  You never really know what is going to spark a rampage like this, but you also have to ask what the outcome would have been if one of the employees had had a gun, training and concealed weapons permit.   

“You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can get with just a kind word.” ~ Willie Sutton


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