Sunday, October 16, 2011


Glenn Beck said on The Bill O’Reilly Show on Friday night that he has documents showing that the Occupy Wall Street protestors have shifted into becoming a Marxist group with no specific ambition other than to bring down the United States government.  In the days before the protests began, organizations funded by George Soros and others were offering potential protestors $300 to $600 per week to protest.  As we know, the unions quickly infiltrated and started steering the protests and inciting confrontations.  Now, the group has morphed into becoming part of the world-wide protests being orchestrated by Marxists. 

Beck thinks that violence may ensue, followed by the beginning of a new “more peaceful” group headed by Van Jones with the objective of silencing the Tea Parties.  If Beck says he has evidence, I believe him.  This is scary stuff and we should be paying close attention to it, while wondering why our President has seen fit to publicly back the protests. 

Q. Like you have said in your blogs, the Republicans seem to be in disarray.  There seems to be a battle going on of conservatives vs. “moderates” within the party.  Both Bushes would seem to me to be moderates and they were certainly not what was best for the country.  They were better than their alternatives, but that’s about it.  What do you think about all of this?  (Fred ~ Mogul, NV)
A. If the “moderates” who seem to be in charge of things right now are successful in getting Romney into the nomination, I think the Republican Party will forever be toast and that Trump and maybe someone like Cain or Bachmann will form a third party with Tea Party backing and go for it. 

Q. What did you think of the Washington, D.C. protests?  (Maureen ~ Willits, CA)
A. They want jobs.  The feds seem more inclined to give money to the Solyndra’s of the world than to be creating jobs.  I support these people 100%, and they should be protesting in Washington.  We should be there with them.   

Q. I see now that they plan to bring all U.S. troops home from Iraq by the end of the year.  I thought they were going to leave 1,000 or so there.  (Arch ~ Cottonwood, CA)
A. I was very vocal about those plans; it seemed to me that the troops left in Iraq would be sitting ducks. When people in charge started thinking about what they were doing, they saw the danger.  The Administration now will leave only 160 or so troops to guard the American Embassy there.   

“In my opinion, we've elected a Marxist [Barack Obama] to be president of the United States.” ~ Paul Broun


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