Saturday, December 31, 2011



1. The Seattle Mariners will not win the World Series.  
2. Obama's approval rating wall fall below 45%. 
3. The Health Care Bill will not be repealed. 
4. Joe the Plumber will not run for President. 
5. Harry Reid will not switch to the Republican Party.
6. Nancy Pelosi will say something utterly stupid. 
7. Barack Obama will say that it's time he turned his attention to the national economy. 
8. Charlie Rangel will whine about being mistreated. 
9. North Korea will attack South Korea.
10. Ahmadinejad will thumb his nose at Obama.  

It looks like the only one I missed, and barely, was North Korea invading South Korea.  


1. The Seattle Mariners will not win the World Series.  
2. Obama will be the Democratic nominee.  
3. Congress will not reduce the deficit or spending.  
4. Mitt Romney will not be the Republican nominee.  
5. Barack Obama will say that it's time he turned his attention to the national economy.  
6. Israel will take out some Iranian nuclear sites.  
7. Greece will file for international bankruptcy.
8. Nancy Pelosi will have a hissy fit.  
9. Harry Reid will become the minority leader of the Senate. 
10. The Mayan Calendar will end on December 21st. 

See you January 3rd. 

Friday, December 30, 2011


Despite Romney’s growing and nasty attacks against Newt Gingrich, Gingrich picked up two major endorsements this week; one from Mike Huckabee and one from Art Laffer, the famous supply-side economist who was the architect behind Ronald Reagan’s successful economic plan.  Laffer says Gingrich’s “low individual and corporate tax rates, deregulation, and strong dollar monetary policies will create a boom of new investment and economic growth leading to the creation of tens of millions of new jobs.” During the 1990s, Speaker Gingrich pushed through legislation that cut taxes, restrained spending, left the nation with four balanced budgets and helped create 11 million new jobs.  (Thanks & a tip of the hat to NEWSMAX.COM)

The “Republican Establishment” is pulling out all of the stops to try and get Romney on the ticket; no dirty trick, including getting Gingrich forced off the Virginia ballot, has been withheld.  Frankly, the “establishment” makes me sick.  And they want donations? 

Q. I see that Mel Gibson’s ex got over $400 million from him.  That’s a lot of money for a divorce settlement.  (Carolyn ~ Las Vegas, NM)
A. A lot of money?  That’s only .0027% of the national debt. 

Q. Is all of that oil that spilled in 2010 in the Gulf still lurking around someplace?  (Benjamin ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. As much as 40% of the oil may have simply evaporated at the ocean surface, and an unknown amount remains below the surface. Although there are claims that the natural activity of the ocean has broken up and/or absorbed the vast majority of the oil, about half of the oil remains at or below the Gulf's surface. And, although scientists admit that oil that has been dispersed cannot be measured, they also agree that the effects of the oil, wherever it is, may not be known for years or decades.  Personally, I believe this spill has already begun to manifest its ugly head by changing weather patterns and causing dramatic changes in the weather… changes for the worse. 

Q. Is it possible the Republican Party might split?  (Jeremy ~ Atascadero, CA)
A. That depends.  The way I see it, if a conservative wins the Presidential nomination, the party liberals will defect to the Democrats.  If a liberal Republican wins, then the conservative faction might split and form its own party.  So, in addition to being a battle over control of the White House and Congress, this election is also about a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party.   
“Our country cannot take four more years of President Obama.” ~ Shelly Ayotte, U.S. Senator from New Hampshire on Hannity

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Give this kid $5 for doing what the rest of us really want to do)   

Thursday, December 29, 2011


President Obama is asking Congress to increase the national debt limit from $15.2 to $16.4 trillion and he wants it passed now.  That August deal that created the Super Committee provides for a $1.2 trillion increase that can be blocked only if Congress passes a “resolution of disapproval.”  If he makes the request, Congress has 15 days to pass such disapproval and they are not scheduled to return until January 17th.  Otherwise, Obama wins again and we get further in debt. 

My comments are definitely not fit for print in this space.  WHO IN THE SAM HELL IS RUNNING THIS COUNTRY INTO A DITCH? 

Q. How do you feel about Bush 1’s endorsement of Mitt Romney? (Ian ~ Calumet City, IN)
A. Sick to my stomach.  I didn’t like Bush 1, either.  The Republican hierarchy is surely pulling out all of the stops trying to derail Gingrich.  Maybe Charlie Sheen will run after all; let’s pray for that. 

Q. Why are you so down on Mitt Romney?  (Britney ~ Redding, CA)
A. Let’s start with the fact that he ordered all electronic data regarding his administration to be destroyed before he left office as Massachusetts’ Governor.  Let’s add that is refusing to open his income tax files for public scrutiny as other presidential candidates have always done.  And these are just the tip of the iceberg.  If they display to you the type of character you would like represented in the White House, you may as well go ahead vote for Obama.  Any time you get the Washington Republican “establishment” in favor of something, such as Romney, run like hell in the opposite direction. 

Q. I can’t believe what I am seeing.  The Republican hierarchy is pounding and hounding one of its own, Newt Gingrich.   And now, in Virginia where Newt had a strong command in the polls, they have arranged to drop him off the ballot.  This is really an ugly America. (Lewis ~ San Clemente, CA)
A. I agree with your sentiment; it is an ugly political America.  If there was another viable political party to take on the Obama thugs, I would switch in an instant.  On the good side, former Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee gave Newt a lot of praise last weekend, a fact that even the conservative media is not reporting.  

After the $700 billion bailout, the trillion-dollar stimulus, and the massive budget bill with over 9,000 earmarks, many of you implored Washington to please stop spending money we don't have. But, instead of cutting, we saw an unprecedented explosion of government spending and debt, unlike anything we have seen in the history of our country. ~ Michele Bachmann

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Saudi Arabia has announced plans to build 16 nuclear plants and to obtain nuclear weapons to defend itself against Iran and others in the vicinity that may get access to nukes. 

Your move, Dr. Obama.  Just what are you going to do now? 

Q. Donald Trump just switched his registration to Independent.  Do you think he will run for President that way?  (Harold – Kent, WA)
A. No.  He’s an opportunist and a buffoon; he’s trying to pump up ratings for his TV show.  But, he’s also a smart man and an American and he knows a third-party run would virtually guarantee an Obama win and he doesn’t want to see that anymore than you or I do. 

Q. Do you think the nation would be any better off with a Republican President and Republican Senate and House?  (Charlene ~ Bismarck, ND)
A. Not necessarily.  We already have been there and done that and it was a severe disappointment.  It all depends on the patriotism and the commitment of the people in office.  That is the magic formula: make sure the people we elect this time around are patriotic and committed to doing what is best for the country. 

Q. Iran is conducting military exercises in the Strait of Hormuz for the purpose of drilling troops on how to close down shipping in the Strait if anyone takes any military action against them, such as striking their nuclear plants.  The U.S. has a large naval presence there.  This looks like potential for a nasty confrontation to me.  (Josh ~ Sonoma, CA)
A. Iran, in their eyes, would have a lot to gain by having such a confrontation, particularly since any response from Obama would likely fall short of being serious.  Knowing that, our people have probably been warned to steer clear of Iranian vessels. 

"The penalty of not participating in politics is that you will be governed by your inferiors." ~ Plato  (Wow, is that the understatement of the year!)


Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Ron Paul stormed out of a CNN interview last week after being questioned about racist remarks against Blacks and Jews appearing in four different Ron Paul newsletters in the 1990’s.  Paul is now disavowing them, claiming he did not write them and was unaware of them.  However, a direct mail solicitation encouraging people to take the newsletters was signed by Paul and warned of a "coming race war in our big cities," and of a "federal-homosexual cover-up."  Remarks after the bombing of the World Trade Center suggested that Israel was behind that plot.  The articles called the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. a "world-class philanderer," criticized the U.S. holiday bearing King's name as "Hate Whitey Day," and said that AIDS sufferers "enjoy the attention and pity that comes with being sick."
(Read more on Ron Paul Letter Warned 'Race War' Coming)

Now we have finally nailed a candidate in a gross lie and horrible misdeed.  No way is any responsible politician going to allow newsletters to be written under his name without knowing the content.  He admits to making money off of the newsletters, but insists that the revealing remarks were not read by him or approved by him.  Why did they appear in several newsletters, then?  Surely, he would have known after the first one was published; he would like us to believe he didn’t know about these for at least 10 years after they were written.  He should be run out of the campaign altogether… now.  I’m serious.  The Cain thing was a dastardly manufactured thing and the vicious attacks on Gingrich by both Republicans and Democrats is pure nonsense; this Paul thing is real, nasty and scary.   

Q. Mitt Romney has taken out ads that paint Gingrich as being exactly the opposite of what he is.  Several responsible organizations have verified they are full of lies.  But, Romney says the ads were prepared by someone else and he can’t, or won’t, take them off the air.  How does he get away with this?  (Candace ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Because all is fair in politics.  Nevertheless, Romney reveals a whole lot about his own character, doesn’t he? 

Q. Fitch has again come out and said that the United States faces a downgrade in its credit status unless it does something about its deficit.  Yet, that warning is being totally ignored in the press and by Congress.  Why?  (Xenia ~ Colorado Springs, CO)
A. Because Obama doesn’t want such news out while he’s running for reelection.  And we all know that what Obama wants, Obama gets… or else.  Congress obviously doesn’t care, or it would have had the American guts and patriotism to deal with the issue four months ago.   

Q. I see that Obama’s Hawaiian vacation is costing the taxpayers $4 million.  How can he justify spending that kind of money, our money, when the country’s economy is so bad?  (Gina ~ Redding, CA)
A. He’ll be the first to tell you that he is the Messiah, the high potentate of America.  Don’t speak ill of him.  He can, and does, do whatever he wants and if you don’t like it, that’s your problem and not his.  Four more years; wanna give him four more years?   

“Will they attack us? Yes. Will they smear our backgrounds and distort our records? Undoubtedly. Will they lie about us, harass our families, name call to try to intimidate us? They will. There's nothing safe about it. But is it worth it? Well, let me ask you. Is freedom worth it? Is America worth it?” ~ Christine O'Donnell


Saturday, December 24, 2011




Friday, December 23, 2011


Hours after the last U.S. troops left Iraq, it now appears that the county may erupt in civil war, with the Shiites and the Sunnis being the chief rivals. 

Iran has been poking at the Sunnis for months, riling them up to prepare for this.  Look for Iran to now enter the military theater and for all we accomplished there to be lost.  I don’t see Obama admitting he was wrong and going to Iraq’s rescue, so we will have an Iran-Iraq war, with Syria likely to get involved as well.  The Middle East tinderbox is now getting very hot. 

Q. We are still almost a year away from the elections and already the negative political ads are starting.  I am so sick and tired of mudslinging.  What can we do about it?  (Crystal ~ Aberdeen, WA)
A. I agree.  If a candidate has no good attributes he can talk about, he shouldn’t be running.  As for me, I’m not voting for anyone who uses negative ads and I intend to email them to tell them so.  If I want negativity in my life, all I have to do is turn on C-Span and watch Congress. 

Q. Obama was really putting on the muscle regarding the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits.  Why didn’t he do this a month ago?  (Chet ~ Susanville, CA)
A. Because he wanted to make the Republicans look bad.  That’s why the Senate turned down the House proposal and wouldn’t even let Senators vote on it.  Then, the Senate passed a bill that they knew the House could not agree to, and they left town, thereby putting the icing on the political cake.   That’s dirty, rotten Chicago-style politics;  I hope you don’t want four more years of it.  And, as I predicted here a few days ago, the Republicans caved in again.  I keep saying they should make it official and become the Democratic Republican Party.   

Q. Do you think Ron Paul or Donald Trump or someone else might run as a third party candidate?  (Lynn ~ Twin Falls, ID)
A. It is certainly possible, but would virtually assure Obama’s reelection.  If anyone pulls this stunt, they should be hung by their toenails over a vat of boiling oil.   

“Calling a taxi in Texas is like calling a rabbi in Iraq.” ~ Fran Lebowitz


Thursday, December 22, 2011


The U.S. Justice Department last week charged a Hezbollah financier with smuggling cocaine into the United States and laundering money for Mexican drug cartels, (  The recent plot to kill the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the U.S. was hatched by Iranians in Mexico.  There is evidence that the Iranian influence in Mexican drug cartels is rapidly growing and that Iranian agents are crossing our border on a regular basis.  And even Leon Panetta is now saying Iran could have a nuke within a year or less. 

And Obama continues to operate as if any Iranian threat to the U.S. is confined to the Middle East.  We need to understand that Hezbollah and the radical Muslims are permeating every nation and we are not immune.  We are number one on their target list and they are actively recruiting inside the United States right now.  We desperately need leadership that is willing to stand up and deal with these issues before we get our collective heads chopped off. 

Q. The Mayan Calendar says the world ends December 21, 2012.  That’s only a year away.  Do you see any signs that might happen?  (Jennifer ~ Klamath Falls, OR)
A. One good thing is that they were not off by a year… we got by yesterday okay.  Given the weakness of Obama and the jockeying by Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China, I think we are closer to world war right now than we have been since WWII broke out.  The Middle East is certainly a tinder box and both Russia and China have tentacles firmly entrenched there.  The U.S. is in no position to stand up to them and make them back off from potential conflict, so it is indeed possible that the world could be in deep nuclear trouble on December 21, 2012. 

Q. The California legislature might cut back on its sessions?  (Tammy ~ Redding, CA)
A.  There is a move afoot to get a measure on the 2012 ballot to limit it to three months every two years unless called into emergency session by the governor.  Some other states have similar laws on the books.  By and large, it’s when they have too much time on their hands that they pass shoddy and intrusive legislation and bicker among themselves.  I would like to see the same thing with Congress…six months every other year would resolve the lobbying issue to a great degree and we wouldn’t be faced with their new lousy laws every day of the week. 

Q. Joe Biden says the Taliban is not our enemy.  Has he gone stark-raving mad?  (Kyle ~ Cedar City, UT)
A. The whole White House team is more than a tad around the bend, but Biden often says things that make you wonder what kind of drugs he is on.  Wouldn’t he make a great President if Obama got impeached?   

"[David] Axelrod really wanted me to do this on teleprompter -- but I told him I'm much better when I wing it. I know these evenings run long, so I'm going to be brief. Talk about the audacity of hope. President Obama does send his greetings, though. He can't be here tonight -- because he's busy getting ready for Easter. He thinks it's about him." --Joe Biden, at the 2009 Gridiron dinner