Saturday, December 14, 2013


Half of the nation of Puerto Rico, a U.S. Territory, is dependent on free health care.  Puerto Ricans, who are born U.S. citizens, do not enroll on the ObamaCare because their government decided not to offer health-insurance exchanges, which offers private plans.  The island's government is over $70 billion in debt and about 45 percent of Puerto Ricans have incomes below the U.S. federal poverty line and nearly 40 percent of all households receive food stamps.  An infusion into the nation’s Medicaid system from the U.S. government could increase dependency and increase the prospects for a disastrous financial collapse similar to what has been going on in Greece.   

Do you really think Obama cares? 

Q. Here we go again with another school shooting.  How many people own guns in the U.S. and what is the real incidence of such shootings?  (Rudolfo ~ Greeley, CO)
A. There are well over 270 million privately owned small arms in the U.S., with an unknown number of gun owners.  Somewhere between 35% and 50% say they are gun owners, depending on where you live.  If we have 300 million people and 40% own guns, that’s 120 million.  I saw a figure of 85 million recently, but have no idea how accurate it was.  So, let’s settle at 100 million.  If we had 1 bad gun incident per month, and I think it’s lower, that would be 12 per year or something like .000012%.    

Q. Rush Limbaugh attacked the Republican Party saying that the fact they are going for this budget deal shows the Republicans are very week.  Do you agree?  (Quint ~ Bozeman, MT)
A. The Democrats are in such disarray and weak political stature as a result of their ObamaCare right now that the Republicans should, by every measure, be in total command of the political situation on The Hill, but they’re surely not acting like it.  I still have not had a chance to look at this proposal, but experience tells me that anytime both parties in THIS Congress agree on anything, there’s trouble afoot.  

Q. If Iran has the ability to choose what sites will be visited and investigated, how can we possibly verify their compliance with this latest agreement?  (Val ~ Half Moon Bay, CA)
A. The International Atomic Energy Agency, (I.A.E.A.) said this week that due to political, physical and technical barriers they cannot verify compliance at this time.  Maybe an Ouija Board would help. 

However, the sovereignty of the states is constitutionally defined and recognized, while the powers of the local government in Puerto Rico are defined by, and subject to alteration under, federal statutory law.” ~ Dick Thornburgh


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