Saturday, December 28, 2013


The Iranian government has announced it has installed a new generation of centrifuges used for the enrichment of uranium. Scientists say that the new centrifuges are specifically designed to enrich uranium to weapons grade.  Many Democrats are now concerned that the announcement shows Iran’s true intentions and that the Administration is trying to downplay the danger and get its “treaty” with the Iranians passed.  One of the President’s top allies, Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is heading a group of Democrats calling for a bi-partisan vote to increase sanctions against Iran instead of decreasing them as the President and John Kerry are asking.   

Thank God, even the Democrats are starting to realize what is happening with this Administration.  Ironically, I don’t think the Republicans have a true and sincere grasp of the situation yet.  I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again:  I think the Iranians already have their nuclear weapons capability and that they are busy learning how to match a nuke to a missile for the purpose of obliterating Israel.  And here we’ve been sitting, allowing it to happen. 

Q. The research ship that is trapped in ice was supposed to be rescued yesterday, but the rescue icebreaker got itself stuck in ice.  I remember stories about ships getting stuck in the ice and crushed by the pressure of the ice until they broke apart and sank.  What is the danger here?  (Tad ~ Lomita, CA)  
A. The way they make ships these days, they are so sturdy that they can take a lot of pressure.  I would guess that the danger would be at its highest in the spring when the ice starts to melt and move.  If worse comes to worse, they can remove the ship’s lifeboats and place them on top of the ice and have some protection if they have to abandon ship.  Before that, however, I would expect rescue helicopters to save them.  One thing for certain: They don’t need refrigerators to keep their beer cold. 

Q. There’s a big dispute between a mining company, an Apache tribe, a town and the government in southern Arizona.  Can you elaborate, and what is your opinion? (Standing Bear ~ Great Falls, MT)
A. I’m sure my opinion will be different than most. The mining company, Resolution Copper, wants to mine copper on land considered sacred by the San Carlos Apache Tribe.  In history, the answer has always been centered around money: How much can the feds make in mining leases, how much can the city of Superior make due to a better economy and lower unemployment, and how many jobs will be created by the mining company for the white man?  How much can they get for the copper?  The land is not owned by the tribe, but by the federal government, so the government sees a simple solution of giving the tribe some other land for their damned “scared rituals.”  The mining company, the city and the government are all salivating and the answer is written in the wind.  My opinion?  There is a law enacted by Congress.  It’s the National Historical Preservation Act of 1966.  It provides for the sanctity of grounds and buildings of national historic interest, and that includes places of significant cultural and archaeological value. All everyone has to do here is to follow the law.  My bet is they won’t.  “To hell with the Indians, to hell with the military and to hell with anyone who gets in our way;” that’s the motto of the U.S. government right now.    

Q. What do you think about a new Federal Court Judge ruling, contrary to another recent Federal Court ruling, that the N.S.A. surveillance of Americans is constitutional?  (Amy ~ Logan, UT)
A. He doesn’t know the difference between horseshit and apple butter.  Obviously a left-wing liberal, I’m sure the Judge would be the first to raise hell if they found a N.S.A. microphone and camera in his daughter’s bathroom.  There are lines of privacy in this country that not even Obama or his storm troopers are legally authorized to cross; this is one of them.  People who think this way want your guns, your money, your freedoms of speech and religion, and your family jewels. I do not believe the tribal rights to its culture should be arbitrarily trashed. 

As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act.” ~ Barack Obama (Another lie?)


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