Monday, December 9, 2013


That’s how Obama sees it.  “We’ve had a politics, frankly, you know, the entire Republican Party brand since Ronald Reagan has been government’s the problem. And if you day after day, week after week, election after election, are running on that platform and that permeates our culture and it’s picked up by you know, ordinary citizens who grow skeptical, then it’s not surprising that over time, trust in government declines.” 

COMMENTS:  I can’t comment on that.  I’m absolutely speechless at the unabashed horse manure this guy spreads. 


Q. The other day in your Zinger blog, you intimated that Nelson Mandela was a far better black leader than President Obama.  How can you say that?  Mandela was a communist.  (Dahlia ~ Salt Lake City, UT)
A. And just what in your study of the life of Barack Hussein Obama leads you to believe that HE is not a communist? 

Q. Do you really think that we’re not going to be able to keep our doctors under ObamaCare?  (Assad ~ San Jose, CA)
A. Wow, are you in for a big surprise.  The California Medical Association (CMA) estimates that 70 percent of doctors will not participate in Covered California, the State’s Obamacare health insurance exchange.  Only in September did insurance companies disclose that their rates would be pegged to California’s Medicaid plan (Medi-Cal).  That’s driven many doctors to just say no.  The insurance companies have put the kibosh on countless other doctors, so the odds of your keeping your doctor under ObamaCare are only 3 out of 10.  Why do you want to punish yourself by signing up for this guff?   

Q. My friend tells me that they have just discovered a huge new oil deposit in Alabama, but I can’t find anything about it.  Can you fill me in?  (Harry ~ Lubbock, TX)
A. Well, Harry, they’ve discovered a huge new oil field alright, but it’s in Australia; that's close to Alabama, but no bananas.  Early estimates are that there’s enough oil down there to ruin OPEC.  I wonder what Obama would say if Keystone wanted to run a pipeline from there to Long Beach. 


I think we should take Iraq and Iran and combine them into one country and call it Irate. All the pissed off people live in one place and get it over with.” ~ Denis Leary


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