Thursday, December 12, 2013


According to Kathleen Sebelius and other government sources, the total number of people who signed up for ObamaCare using the federal website has grown to 365,000.  Sebelius was ecstatic.  On the other hand, however, Congressional staffers were warned Wednesday not to rely on information provided by the ObamaCare exchange website, in an email alert informing them they might not be enrolled for coverage even if they technically signed up. The warning said that such information from the ObamaCare site is unreliable which means, of course, that the 365,000 figure is also unreliable.  Sebelius was flustered when asked if that figure included people successfully signed up in insurance company roles or if it was just those who had indicated they wanted to sign up, (estimates are that as many as 25% of enrollments are never transferred successfully to insurance company computers,). 

Here we go again with more lying statistics emanating from the Obama Administration.  First it was 57 states.  Then it was a pile of stats suggesting that the stimulus was working so good that even non-existent Congressional districts were doing well.  Then it was the manipulation of unemployment stats prior to the 2012 elections.  I’m not even questioning whether or not Obama was born in the U.S. or not, anymore; I question whether he was born at all, or whether he crawled out from underneath a rock someplace. 

Q. A six-year-old boy kisses a classmate on her hand and they want to charge him with sexual harassment?  What in God’s name is this country coming to?  (Clarissa ~ Nampa, ID)
A. So, how do you like “change” now?  It was in Canon, Colorado, where smoking pot and gay marriage are legal.  To directly answer your question, this country is becoming a totalitarian fascist state where the rules are made by mindless elitists who believe they have achieved the power and status in life that their poop doesn’t stink.  Don’t ever, ever stand downwind from them.   

Q. Do you really think ObamaCare will have an influence on the 2014 elections?  (Paul ~ Taos, NM)
A. Any member of Congress who signed on to it is probably not going to get reelected.  Those few who still say it’s a good deal might as well pack up right their offices right now.  70% of Americans have had enough of it.  The other 30% don’t know the difference between ObamaCare and the Affordable Health Care Act. 

Q. Have they ever straightened out the disparity over how many times Sibelius met with Obama regarding ObamaCare?  (Xavier ~ Shasta Lake City, CA)
A. She was at a Congressional hearing the other day and was asked that question.  One of her lackeys said last week that they had met “many times.”  Well, she got a flustered and never really did answer the question.  One of those on the committee said that it was tougher getting her to answer questions than it was getting the North Koreans to answer questions. 

“It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” ~ Sherlock Holmes

TODAY’S VIDEO: (Why we need gun control?)

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