Monday, December 16, 2013


AT&T is test-driving a new marketing gimmick in Austin, Texas.  If you live in the right neighborhoods, you can get an ultra-fast download service for $99 per month.  But, if you agree to allow AT&T to track your action on your browser and to send you advertising accordingly, you can get the same service for $70 per month. 

Now isn’t that just a rat’s ass.  For $29 per month extra on your bill, you can keep AT&T from sending you advertising.  I always thought that when you paid for a service, such as AT&T internet service, you shouldn’t have to be subjected to a barrage of ads you don’t want.  This is a tad like extortion in my book.  Suppose I tell you to send me $29 per month to keep me from having advertising on my blogs?  Well, you can lead a geek to water, but you can’t make him fork over money for a dumb idea.    

Q. How can Obama and Sebelius ask insurers to pay claims on people who have signed up for ObamaCare and not paid?  (Deidre ~ Kennewick, WA)
A. How can Obama and Sebelius ask doctors to provide service to patients whose coverage has not yet been confirmed by the insurance companies because ObamaCare’s computers can’t talk with the insurance company computers?  It’s the same personal character that allowed Obama to shove this worthless piece of crap down America’s throats in the first place: balls. 

Q. You’ve been awfully quiet about the Judge who let the teenage drunk driver off the hook for killing four people based on his being raised in an affluent family.  Do you want to weigh in on that?  (Grubby ~ Ypsilanti, MI)
A. The argument can also be made that the kid was from a poor family and never had the chance to learn right from wrong.  Liberal judges have no rightful place on the bench; the only justice they know has nothing to do with historical law.  I rarely comment on downright, shameful judicial activism; I don’t want the devil to strike me dead.    

Q. How many insurance companies are actually reinstating policies that were cancelled due to ObamaCare?  (Arturo ~ North Las Vegas, NV)
A. Between the states whose laws do not provide for “uncanceling” canceled policies and companies who have had their fill of ObamaCare, very few policies are being reinstated.  Aetna has said that they simply don’t have the time to even think about it before deadlines loom.  It’s the largest insurer so far to reach a decision.  But, Obama doesn’t care; ObamaCare is the law and you will abide by it.  If you’re not covered, he’s going to sick the I.R.S. on you.  Does this sound like wartime Germany, or not? I still wouldn't sign up for it; they'd have to subject me to water boarding to make me even think about it. 

TODAY’S QUOTE:A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.” ~ John F. Kennedy


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