Thursday, February 28, 2013


Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is now in the U.S. according to the Center for Disease Control, (CDC).  This is a family of germs that is difficult to treat because they have high levels of resistance to antibiotics.  There are many forms of CRE, but of the 37 forms reported in the U.S., 15 have been reported in less than a year.  The germs live in water, soil and the human gut; they have developed resistance to drugs being used to treat patients for other problems.  CRE can spread from one patient to another in hospitals and long term care facilities (nursing homes). Patients with CRE infection can die from it.  The particular bug is difficult to diagnose unless the patient has a persistent infection.  


And then we also have to deal with Obama's crapola.   


Q. With all of these dire predictions from Obama as to what is going to happen when Sequestering kicks in, isn’t he going to look like a real fool when those things don’t happen?  (Oscar ~ Walnut, CA)
A. I’ve got news for you, Oscar… He already looks like a real fool.  On the outside chance that he cares, I would say that there is a 60% chance that he will capitulate Friday or shortly thereafter “in the best interests of the nation,” while lambasting the Republicans for their greedy agenda of protecting the rich.  Please pass the gray poop on. 

Q. I do not understand how the Feds can release hundreds of criminal illegal aliens into an unsuspecting society.  On the one hand, they claim it was because of looming Sequestration cuts, but on the other hand they say they are definitely keeping track of the illegals and where they go.  If they’re so low on money, where do they get the funds for that?  And why did they pick on Arizona again?  (Matt ~ Moreno Valley, CA)
A. To start off with, this is a political payback, a vendetta if you will, from Obama to Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer for all of the ruckus she created over illegal immigration and the federal failure to deal with the problem.  It wasn’t a matter of Sequestration cuts; they haven’t yet been implemented.  But, they did use Sequestration as an excuse, a “cover” for their dirty deeds.  I guess they hope the criminal illegals will raise havoc in Arizona and embarrass Brewer. I think they stirred up a hornet’s nest.  Frankly, since this is a wholesale release of convicted criminals, I think it’s another on a growing list of impeachable offenses. 

Q. I rarely watch Hannity anymore because he suffers from the O’Reilly Syndrome… keeps asking questions and then interrupts guests and talks over them when they try to answer.  But, I did catch his show Tuesday night and was astonished to watch Democrat Representative Keith Ellison from Minnesota rip Hannity a “new one,” calling him “the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen.”  Six minutes after the interview began, Hannity gave up, saying, “Congressman, you are a total waste of time. We’re moving on, because our audience deserves better.”  What is your opinion of all of this?  (Duvall ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. It’s obvious to me that these left-wing liberals cannot control themselves.  He reminds me of that guy who “lost it” at the airport the other day and started destroying the terminal.  If they can’t have their own way, they simply do not know what to do with themselves.  I guess they learn that trait from the Omnipotent One. 


“The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can't eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as 'progress', doesn't spread.” ~ Andy Rooney


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