Thursday, February 14, 2013


Barack Hussein Obama, in a rant mimicking the likes of Adolf Hitler, went after guns Tuesday night demanding that Congress vote immediately on a series of gun controls he proposed a few weeks ago.  The harangue cited many recent victims of gun violence and played upon their deaths as being the sole reason for his commands.  “Gabby Giffords deserves a vote. The families of Newtown deserve a vote. The families of Aurora deserve a vote,” Obama proclaimed to a roar of Democratic applause.   

The fact that gun and ammo sales have gone through the roof indicates this may be the issue that forces true Americans to get off their rumps and actually do something for the good of their country. 

Q. Just out of curiosity, how many guns do you think there are in this country, anyway?  (Greta ~ North Hills, CA)
A. There have been over 65 million background checks on gun purchasers since Obama took office in 2009.  I have no idea how many guns were owned in the U.S. prior to that time, but the entire population of the United Kingdom is about 62 million.  CNN reported last August there were an estimated 310 million non-military/non-law enforcement guns in the U.S.  The 2012 U.S. total population estimate was 314 million.  Of course, many people own more than one gun, as I do.  I think a fair guess would be 150 million gun owners in the country.  And Obama thinks he can order government agents to come and get them? 

Q. What did you think of Marco Rubio’s rebuttal speech [Tuesday] night?  (Blue ~ Medford, OR)
A. He was nervous, didn’t say anything that Romney hadn’t said, didn’t address Obama’s rant on gun control.  Yes, he has charisma, good looks and is well-spoken.  I don’t elect on the basis of charisma; that’s how we got into the Obama mess.   If I were going to vote on the basis of looks and charisma, I’d vote for Beyonce.  But, I will say this: Obama is organizing again, this time to get out into the population and energize grass-roots support for his far-left agenda.  He’s proven himself to be excellent at one thing: organizing support.  If we’re going to stop that agenda, we need to organize ourselves in a big hurry. 

Q. I just saw something about Burger King hamburgers containing horse meat?  Can this be true?  (Emma ~ Redding, CA)
A. Yes.  The news broke in Europe, but there are now reports that horse meat has been added to their hamburgers in the U.S.  I don’t know about you, but the next time I pass a Burger King, I’ll now really want to gallop on out of there. 

“This guy is toast.” ~ Bill O’Reilly talking about fugitive Christopher Dorner, then holed up in a burning cabin at Big Bear. 


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