Tuesday, February 19, 2013


It was on MEET THE PRESS Sunday that John McCain let David Gregory have it.  Gregory was demanding that McCain explain why he was asserting the real story behind the Benghazi Massacre was being covered up.  While McCain was attempting to answer his position, Gregory kept on badgering him until McCain eventually exploded: “‘Do You Care Whether Four Americans Died?’

It’s too bad that McCain didn’t show some of this fire in his belly during the 2008 campaign.  He sounds so much more Presidential now than he did then.  

Q. Why has the price of gas started to soar again this time?  (Kay ~ Hercules, CA)
A. A lot of suggestions are being bandied about… the looming end of oil subsidies, a harsh winter, international demand, the Keystone pipeline.  The reality is that prices on anything generally seek and find a level based on what the buying public will pay.  As I look out the window on this Presidents Day, I watch the traffic going up and down the highway and have to say that people may be complaining about gas prices but, they’re obviously still willing to pay them.  Add that to higher payroll taxes, inflation at the grocery store, high unemployment and under-employment and one must ask: “Where in hell are Americans getting all of this money?  How can they even exist? 

Q. Yesterday, you were talking about Obama’s immigration plan.  Already, the White House is trying to back-pedal and say they didn’t intend for that plan to get out.  Then, why were they even discussing it?  (Roy ~ Hanford, WA)
A. Since you dare to question what the Obama White House does, I must presume that you are a right-wing racist.  They had a tremendous negative response, even from their lackeys in the Senate.  The stupid plan had, and still has, the ability to scuttle any progress on the immigration problem.  But, yes that was their plan. 

Q. Why is Mexico demanding the U.S. supply it with a list of all gun owners in the United States?  (Sondra ~ Rosemead, CA)
A. Ostensibly, the request is only for those guns in Border States and for the reason of identifying weapons used in Mexican violence.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist, however, to see this is a thinly disguised “need” for a national gun registry in the United States, probably requested by Mexican authorities after Obama asked them to ask for it. 

And as you point out, for American families who struggle every day to figure out how do they pay, we talk about gasoline prices. That throws budgets into a real problem when you have budgeted really tight.” ~ Allyson Schwartz


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