Thursday, February 7, 2013


Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday that his nation now possesses nuclear technology.  He also said that the purpose of Iran’s nuclear technology is defense; he is in Egypt for an Islamic summit, marking the first time since 1979 an Iranian leader has visited the country.

Maybe that’s why Obama has decided to go to Israel to meet with Netanyahu.  He’s been saying for four years now that he’ll know ahead of time when Iran gets nuclear, and now he’s being proven to be a liar and a fool again.  But, I guarantee that he will eat no humble bagels.  

Q. What’s your opinion on the Jodi Arias murder trial?  (Amy ~ Baldwin Park, CA)
A. Why don’t we focus more on the things that really matter in this country?  What about Fast & Furious?  What about the Benghazi Massacre?  What about Al Qaeda?  What about the deficit?  What about the Presidential prerogative to murder American citizens?  Who in the hell CARES about Jodi Arias?  She is totally insignificant in the grander scheme of things.  If you really are that desperate to worry and wonder about something, try wondering whether or not Obama really has starch in his underwear.    

Q. The FDA, using ObamaCare requirements, is about to require supermarkets that prepare and sell salad bars, sandwiches, soups bakery items and deserts to label each item sold with the nutritional content.  I say that the cost of this is going to be horrendous and we will be the ones paying for it.  Is there no end to government regulations?  (Coral ~ Carmel, CA)
A. No, there is no end to government regulations when the citizens refuse to stand up and do something about it.  As for the labeling, it will cost billions of dollars per year and we are the ones who will ultimately pay for it.  One has to wonder why they don’t teach nutrition in school anymore.  I guess they’re too busy teaching kids how to be left-wing radicals?  It sure conjures up images of Federal agents pulling up to the market in SUV’s and armored personnel carriers, disembarking in dark black uniforms and carrying assault weapons, storming into the store and knocking over soup kettles and cinnamon rolls, and extracting store managers and food servers after being cuffed and cussed.      

Q. Why has Fox News dumped Dick Morris and why are they constantly moving people around lately?  (Leonard ~ Upland, CA)
A. They are not ready to publicly admit it, but their ratings have been plummeting since the November elections.  Where are viewers going?  To The Blaze, headed by former Fox star Glenn Beck.  For signing such idiots as Dennis Kucinich to their stable, they are proving beyond a reasonable doubt that they, too, have lost touch with their base.  They are also under constant attack from the White House, and rumors are that they have decided to move their content more to the left.  There goes another bastion of media credibility…

“The country now officially is in a police state; you can’t even fart without violating EPA regulations.”  (The Unknown Scribbler)


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