Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The White House yesterday morning backed off its insistence that the Libyan massacre was not a terrorist event and that it was caused solely by the infamous Mohammed video.  They opened the door for further revelations and admissions by saying that it concedes that there was only a small protest before the intrusion and killings occurred. 

The Libyan President and those who were on the ground at the scene are saying there was no protest at all, just the well-coordinated and executed attack.  Once again in Obama history, the truth has to be forced out one morsel at a time and even then, it gets spun. 

Q. I remember that the New Black Panther Party showed up in Philadelphia polls in 2008 and were charged with intimidating voters, but Holder dropped charges.  Are they going to be out again this year? (Chelsea ~ Sacramento, CA)
A. Yes.  And yes, it’s illegal as hell. 

Q. Romney’s campaign, although he’s the better candidate, seems to be a little lackluster to me.  And, it’s evidently not reaching enough people.  How can he improve?  (Rodolfo ~ Ruidoso, NM)
A. To me, he’s conducting himself as if he’s talking to a group of intellectuals.  He’s on too high a plane for the average guy to be able to bite into.  He needs to start talking like “Joe the Plumber” and putting things into more simplistic terms.  The average "Joe" can't even begin to grasp the ins and outs of the economy and how it works; all they know is that they need jobs and they want the debt reduced.  And, he needs to be all over the Middle East fiasco like glue.  I agree… right now, his campaign is eerily similar to John McCain’s; he promised to reach out to the party’s conservatives and that hasn’t happened, either.

Q. Can you explain to me all of the fuss over the scheduled reduction of the defense budget in January?  We’re spending so many billions that could be put to better use, it seems to me.  (Mary ~ Chico, CA)
A. This requires a long answer, but I’ll make it as simple as I can.  To begin with, there is a whole lot of waste in the Pentagon that needs to be ferreted out and stopped; we agree on that point.  When you look at what is going on with radical Muslims around the world, the threat of nuclear weapons being acquired by North Korea and Iran, the rapid and intense military buildup of China and the resurgence of Russia, you must understand that the threat of another world war is increasing every day.  With today’s technologies, war will be instantaneous; we won’t have the luxury we had in World War II of time to build military personnel and train them.  So, we have no choice but to maintain military strength in order to respond to flare-ups and contain the possibility of another World War.  The military cuts as planned would work severely contradictory to this, forcing us to decrease our level of readiness.  Further, under the Obama foreign policy, or lack of it, the danger of terrorist events right here on our own soil increases minute-by-minute.  How will we respond to that?   

“If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty - not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live.” ~ Ron Paul


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