Friday, September 28, 2012


News oozed out yesterday that the intelligence resources informed the Administration within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack was caused by terrorists and not associated with the infamous video.  In fact, within 24 hours, they were also pursuing the probability that Al Qaeda was involved while at the same time they were denying terrorism and claiming the attack was simply a protest demonstration gone bad.  While all of these facts were being suppressed and the country was in a rage, Obama flew off to Las Vegas on a campaign junket.  

The ensuing denials by the administration amount to a flagrant cover-up. Officials were publicly denying a terrorism connection well over a week after they had internally declared it to be a terrorist event in order to gain access to funds to pursue the investigation.  The State Department also clearly was aware of the Ambassador’s concerns about the lack of security and inexplicably did nothing.  Fast & Furious all over again?  The question is, given that it is a cover-up, what is being covered up and why?  Could this end up being one of those never-ending big secrets, like Obama’s birth certificate, college records and social security number? 

Q. I heard that the polls showing Obama is leading the election battle are faulty.  Can you explain?  (Anne ~ Paradise, CA)
A. Polls are only as good as their data bases and interpretations.  For example, if you walk into a room full of Democrats and take a poll, what percentage do you think you’ll get for Romney?  You have to determine that the people involved fairly represent the base as much as possible.  For example, if the base includes 40% white, 20% Hispanic, 20% Black and 10% other; and then the total is also 40% protestant, 20% Jewish, 20% Catholic and 10% other; and then 40% men and 50% women, you’ll try to apply those same percentages to the people actually getting polled.  The polls they are talking about don’t meet those standards and were also “adjusted” to try and reflect the actual turnout of 2008, which had many abnormalities in it.  So, the polls are worthless and appear to have been purposefully conducted in order to obtain the desired results.  That makes contributors less like to give to Romney and convinces some Romney supporters to stay home on Election Day.  As you can see, it’s all another “dirty political trick.” 

Q. It seems to be that there is just one calamity after another coming out about this Administration.  Why?  (Phil ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. It’s an Obama strategy.  If the media and the opposition have to keep going from one thing to another, they won’t have time to focus in on the sad state of the economy or foreign affairs disasters.  That’s one of the reasons Obama lies in the face of the facts, just to create a red herring. 

Q. What is your opinion of the Romney campaign?  (Lena ~ Boise, ID)
A. I think it is too much like the McCain campaign.  I suspected he would have problems on the campaign trail and that is one of the reasons why I never backed him in the primaries.  What we have to do now, however, is to make certain that he gets elected or this country is going to be in twice as much doo-doo as it already is.    

Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats.” ~ Sally Quinn


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