Saturday, September 1, 2012


Ever since Sheriff Joe Arpaio started tackling the problem of illegals in Arizona, the Obama Administration has been out to get him.  Authorities have been investigating Arpaio’s part in failed public corruption cases against officials who were odds with him. Arpaio brought cases against a judge and two county officials in 2009.  The Feds, at the direction of Obama’s Administration, started investigating allegations of “abuse of power.”  That investigation has now been dropped. 

Even Eric Holder couldn’t trump up enough evidence to nail Arpaio?  My God… What is this country coming to? 

Q. I remember that, when ObamaCare was still being pushed down our throats by Obama, Pelosi and Reid, AARP suddenly came out in staunch support of the plan.  There was a big uproar and accusations that AARP was selling out its membership.  What ever came of that?  (Karen ~ Gilroy, CA)
A. Seniors hated Obama’s bill, because they rightly feared its steep cuts to Medicare with no meaningful cost containment mechanism other than denial-of-care, and we already know now that those fears were justified.  The Democrats’ health care law will result in a windfall for AARP that exceeds over $1 billion.  In this single step, AARP morphed from being an association for seniors into a profit-making cut-throat insurance company.  There is now at least one other association for seniors that offers benefits and medi-gap insurance that is against ObamaCare and well over a million people have switched. 

Q. I’m sick and tired of hearing about Iran thumbing its nose and the U.S. saying “Let’s apply some sanctions,” and the IAEA reporting the sanctions are not working.  It’s been the same old story ever since Obama took office.  Do we have to wait for them to nuke Israel before we wake up?  (Sig ~ Marina del Rey, CA)
A. There is a school of thought that should Iran nuke Israel, there would be world-wide cheering among radical Muslims and Islamists everywhere, including the White House.  Setting that aside, if Obama is in any danger at all of losing the Presidency on October 1st, 30 days from now, look for the U.S. to strike Iran by the middle of the month, 45 days from now.  Obama would do that just to get a resulting boost going into the November elections. 

Q. Is it true that Obama honored the passing of Neil Armstrong by creating a photo of himself?  (Sherry ~ Las Cruces, NM)
A. Yes.  He created a picture of himself looking up at the moon.  It’s just another self-centered, narcissistic way of telling America that he is better than you… or Neil Armstrong.  The proper, courteous tribute would have been a picture of Neil stepping on to the surface of the moon.  Now we have to say, "One small step for man, and one giant step for Obama."  

“The Eagle has landed.”  ~ Neil Armstrong


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