Monday, September 10, 2012


The furor over the “God is out, God is in” maneuvers by the Democratic Party have not only been dominating the airwaves, churches across the country have been rising up and shaking their fists at the Democratic debacle of all time.  The Democrats first dumped God-given rights from their platform, thereby totally eliminating the word God from their entire liturgy of beliefs for the first time in history, but when the flack hit and Obama realized the party had made a strategic mistake, they decided to retrench; they added God and Jerusalem back into the equation.  But, in the amendment process, the shouts of “no” clearly outweighed the shouts of “yes” and thereby sealed the deal.  Plain and simple, the majority of Democrats do not like God or Jerusalem and the Christian-Judeo community…The very essence of our nation is madder than Kenya about it. 

Obama got his wish: they’re not talking about government building your business anymore.  How can you stomach looking at bunch of Godless Democrats and voting for them?

Q. Don’t you think you are overacting on this “God” thing? They made a mistake; so what?  (Cornelius ~ San Francisco, CA)
A. Wow, are you in the dark. If you think the decision to remove God and Jerusalem from the Democratic platform was decided by a couple of guys in the back room, you’ve got another thing coming.  They debated this to no end and even called the White House to have them weigh in.  I have to believe Obama was in on it and supported it; especially since they also removed any party support for Jerusalem being the capital of Israel at the time; Obama has no love for Israel, as we well know.  Then, they deliberately covered it up and didn’t talk about it for fear of a backlash.  When the news leaked out, like all bad farts eventually do, and the Americans got into an uproar, they again tried to cover it up by suggesting that Obama had never read the platform.  The voice votes they had clearly spelled out the party sentiment; “Democrats against God.”  This was no simple mistake; this was a very calculated risk, made because they deny God and they want to get that fact on the table.  And the chair of that famous session with the phony vote, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, says that Obama has voiced 100% support of the way he handled it, and that settles it. And I say, “Bullshit.  This is not going to be over until long, long after the fat lady sings.”  This is now about God vs. atheism.    

Q. Obama wants to raise the minimum wage.  I mean, how dumb can you get?  That’ll just make businesses and firms lay off more people.  What we need right now is jobs, not job killers.  (Christine ~ Barstow, CA)
A. I agree.  More and more businesses have been failing.  The pre-2009 bankruptcy rate was averaging around 825,000 per year.  Bankruptcy rates in 2009, 2010, 2011 and so far in 2012 have consistently been twice that. 

Q. Now I hear that Romney has changed his mind about repealing ObamaCare?  (Elroy ~ Seattle, WA)
A. No, that’s not true.  He’s committed to repealing ObamaCare, but there are parts of the bill he would like to retain and work into a new law to contain medical costs.  For example, he would like to keep the provision that companies must issue policies even if there are pre-existing conditions, and to allow children to be insured on their parent’s policy even after the age of 26. Both would be good moves.   

'Know your enemy, name your enemy' is a 9/11 message that has gone unheeded. Our immigration and homeland security policies refuse to profile jihadi adherents at foreign consular offices and at our borders.” ~ Michelle Malkin


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