Thursday, September 27, 2012


Medical costs rose much faster than predicted last year and the number of unemployed raised dramatically, the Health Care Cost Institute reports. 

Obama promised in 2008 that his new plan would decrease medical costs by over $2,500 per family.  It is now forecast to increase costs per family by $3,000.  The “Affordable Care Act” referred to as ObamaCare appears to bear some responsibility; it requires that only 20% of insurance premiums can be used for administrative expenses and 80% be spent on health care.  By allowing the costs of health care to increase, more money can be spent on administrative costs.  This is just one more reason why ObamaCare has to be defeated by defeating Obama at the polls in November.  Obama is fully of fuzzy math on all aspects of the economy and statistical reporting of unemployment, etc.  He’d make more sense if he was full of fuzzy navels. 

Q. Harry Reid says Romney is “sullying” the Mormon Church.  What is that all about? ~ (Sammie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Dirty Harry has been known for his vile, vicious, gutter remarks whenever he or his party is in trouble.  This time, he’s gone beyond the pale; I think he just solidified the Mormon vote for Romney.  But, let’s not dwell on it; keep the focus where it belongs: on the economy and on foreign affairs. 

Q. Why is Obama refusing to meet with other world leaders during the U.N. meetings?  (Monica ~ Tooele, UT)
A. There are two possible explanations: (1) if he meets with one, he’ll have to meet with Netanyahu, who he despises, or (2) he continues to believe he is the “anointed one” and that it is below his dignity and station in life to meet with pissants. 

Q. I read in your blog “MY AMERICAN OPINION” the other day about the danger of voting fraud this year.  Now I hear they’ve already discovered something major in Florida.  Can you fill me in?  (Frank ~ Saratoga, CA)
A. “Boleteros” have been assisting voters with absentee ballots.  They are accused of bribing, cajoling or even forging ballots from elderly and disabled voters.  The practice amounts to an unregulated election-related business; the boleteros do not need to register with the state.  I will guarantee you that you have not heard the last about voter fraud in this election. 

You're going to hear a lot from President Obama and yes, from Joe Biden, you're hearing a little bit about Medicare these days. What they will not tell you is they turned Medicare into a piggybank to fund 'Obamacare.' They took $716 billion dollars to pay for the 'Obamacare' program.” ~ Paul Ryan


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