Wednesday, September 12, 2012


You may recall that Standard & Poors has previously cut the U.S. credit rating; the other major international credit rating firm, Moody’s did not, but they did warn us to get our act together.  Another warning now has been issued:  They will probably cut our credit rating unless we resolve our budget issues very soon to bring down the deficit.   

Obama and Axelrod are probably on the phone right now to the top dogs at Moody’s, threatening them not to do it.  A call has probably already been made to the IRS to be ready to go audit Moody’s; this seems to be the way things are now done in Washington.  If this is not oppression, what is?  Is this really what you want our government to become?  Now is the time for all of us to turn off the tube and go tell our relatives and friends where we stand. 

Q. I have a friend who theorizes that many, many billions of taxpayer dollars from the stimulus and bailouts are being used to prop up the stock market.  He figures that, after Obama wins reelection, they will dump the stock and the market will crash.  Could that possibly happen?  (Chad ~ Oklahoma City, OK)
A. Yes, it’s possible.  If that happened, and Bernanke and/or Geithner bought the stock when it was very low, it is now doubled in value.  They could sell it, restore what is owed to the treasury and keep the change.  Would they do that?  Well, they are still refusing to provide an accounting for that money, so it could happen.  Would there be an outrage? Would Holder prosecute them?  You know, it’s so sick that here we are in America, talking like this. 

Q. Supposing Obama wins reelection and Hillary doesn’t run in 2016.  Who would the most likely Democratic candidate be?  (Myra ~ Santa Ana, CA)
A. Michelle Obama.     

Q. Do you think the Democratic leadership is actually afraid about this election?  (Abe ~ Dallas, TX)
A. Well, there’s not none of them who will discuss the subject of God or Jerusalem at this point in time... not one.  They’ll actually get up and walk out of the interview first and word is that they are warning before interviews start not to ask questions about those subjects.  Evidently, they’d rather get back to building your business for you. 

It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” ~ Joseph Stalin


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