Saturday, September 8, 2012


Even as Obama spoke, thousands of disgruntled and disenfranchised Democrats were leaving Charlotte, either because they couldn’t get a seat Thursday night or because they were ticked off over the “God” issue.  Some of them were ticked off because “God” had originally been removed from the platform, and some of them were ticked off because “God” had been added back in.  But a hoard of devout believers in God, about half of them Black, are deserting the Obama bandwagon and switching to Romney because they are outraged over the issue.

Gosh, you’d think the big news of the day would be Obama’s speech.  Evidently, some Americans actually think more of God than they do of Obama or the Democrats.  That’s astonishing, isn’t it?  Finally, the message comes home: Obama and his cronies have been holding themselves above God and they just got a nasty wake-up call.  Enough of this cavalier attitude toward real American values and beliefs is enough, don’t you agree?  Those of us Christians and Jews who believe in God are madder than hell over this.    

Q. We got bad economic news again today, but I was astonished to hear that our labor force participation is the worst it’s been in 30 years.  Wasn’t Carter President then?  (Irving ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. Shhhh.  Shut your mouth!  That’s almost… almost… blasphemy. 

Q. Do you think John Boehner will ever stand up to Barack Obama?  (Crystal ~ La Mesa, CA)
A. Here’s something even I didn’t know.  When the big argument between the House Republicans and Obama was going on last year over the debt issue, Boehner and Obama were at the very precipice of a deal.  But, Obama wasn’t satisfied and he pressed Boehner that part of the final deal had to include a tax increase.  Obama called Boehner several times and Boehner refused to return the calls.  When he finally did, he told Obama all deals were off.  Obama went into a blind and very angry rage, and even the White House mice left the premises. 

Q. Obama called on virtually every known Democrat to come to the convention and testify for him.  Where was Al Gore?  (Boris ~ Kansas City, KS)
A. Al is ticked that Obama hasn’t pushed harder for laws to force Americans onto green energy projects.  Evidently, Obama won’t even take his calls, so Gore decided he wouldn’t be within a thousand miles of Charlotte.  On Burney Mountain, we call this a “snit.” 

A zebra does not change its spots.” ~ Al Gore


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