Monday, September 3, 2012


The U.S. has been actively building up its forces in the Strait of Hormuz to prepare for October’s joint military “training exercises” with Israel.  This has led to speculation, mine for certain, that Obama was ready to strike Iran in October if he felt he was losing in the polls going into the November elections.  The U.S. announced yesterday that it is dramatically scaling down its participation in these “exercises.” 

John Bolton thinks that this is a devastating action designed to put more pressure on Israel not to use a military strike against Iran to protect itself from potential nuclear attack.  It also is another outright slap in the face of Netanyahu, as well as signaling Iran that we have no intention of preventing their acquisition of nuclear weapons.  But, there is a skeptic in me.  If you are going to attack an enemy, why keep telling them you are coming?  They’ll just harden their defenses.  Instead, lead them to believe you are not going to attack, and that will make your attack objective easier to carry out.  If we’re still hanging around in the neighborhood in a few weeks, even though we are “scaling down,” that’ll answer the question, won’t it? 

Q. I understand the Pentagon and the White House may file charges against Navy Seal Matt Bissonnette for authoring a book about the Bin Laden raid, on the basis that Bissonnette disclosed national classified secrets in the process.  (Tom ~ Davis, CA)
A. That is correct.  Considering what secrets have been leaked by the White House and the fact that Obama invited Hollywood writers over to the CIA to get some info for his forthcoming movie, that’s like the Black calling the kettle a pot. 

Q. Sarah Palin told Mitt Romney to get with it?  (Melanie ~ Atascadero, CA)
A. As the Republican National Convention wound down Thursday evening, Sarah Palin said it was time for Mitt Romney to "quit preaching" to the conservative Republican base and get on with targeting the Reagan Democrats and independents he'll need to win the White House.  She hit the nail on the head.  Kenyans and Chicagoans fight dirty in politics and Mitt is going to have to trust his base to stand behind him and go after Obama and his cronies with full force and vigor.  The time may even come when he has to get off the high road and get down into the gutter to deal with this scoundrel.  If he’s not prepared to do these things, we’re toast.  (Hold the marmalade until after the election, please). 

Q. The NFL and the umpire’s union, the NFL Referees Association, are at odds and the season is about to begin.  What does this portend?  (Carlos ~ San Jose, CA)
A. They’ll hire temporary replacements and let the games begin.  Now, here’s how I see the situation.  The country is at an all-time high of unemployment, underemployment and people who have given up.  Anyone, I mean anyone, should be happy to have a job.  If the referees aren’t happy working, then screw the season and let them sit on the sidelines.  Enough idiocy is enough. 

Working Americans who believe in our country and who believe in our Constitution are saying, 'Enough is enough!'” ~ John Boehner


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