The nation’s new “Green Jobs Czar” is now widely known for calling Republicans a—holes and for attesting that he thinks the Bush administration may have participated in or at least allowed 9/11 to happen. He is also an admitted Communist, but has apologized for things that “happened in the past.”
His appointment to the current Czar position has obviously cleansed his soul. Hallelujah! The messiah is good. God DAMN America!
Q. What do you think will happen to the price of underwear if the Health Care Plan passes? (Clara – Hudson, WY)
A. Well, the new Plan will cost the country so much money that interest rates will go sky high before this is over. Traditionally, that means higher hemlines and mini-skirts and who cares about underwear?
Q. Do you seriously think that there is a plan underfoot to overthrow our government? (Gus – Hudson, WY)
A. All of the necessary pieces are almost in place. Now, you need to look at the character of the individuals involved to see whether or not they might take action on it. Scary, isn’t it?
Q. What are the odds that there will ever be another attempt to create havoc and damage to the U.S. like 9/11 did? (Beth – Hudson, WY)
A. About 9 out of 11. Really, it’s just a matter of when and where, and every day that goes by without that horror happening is a borrowed day, especially when we’re investigating and prosecuting the CIA agents in charge of securing our nation.
“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” - Gerald R. Ford
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