Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Drawings and other information secured from the computers of the Al Queda suspects arrested over the weekend indicate that one of their prime targets was Grand Central Station in New York City. Although passenger train traffic throughout the United States has been on the decline for decades, Grand Central shuffles tens of thousands of people back and forth between Washington, D.C. and New York City and cities in between.

It is a sad thing to say that our freedoms and liberties leave us open to such plots. Yet, we all must understand and realize that, should we ever decide to start limiting our freedoms and liberties we open the door to the potential loss of our democracy. In that respect, these terrorists would bring harm to our democracy through violence, but there is just as insidious non-violent undercurrent towing at our Constitution constantly these days… Socialistic Fascism.

I hear that some people have super memories and can remember minute details about things that happened or that they read years ago. (Barry – Bellevue, WA)
A. Theoretically, there are only four known such people in the country. However, any man who is married to a woman knows very will that the female sex as a whole can remember every slight mistake or error than a man has made for decades, and that they can spew forth such facts instantaneously whenever the need arises or the convenience suits them.

Q. If Obama was really born in the United States, why do all of his relatives say he was born in Kenya and why are they making his supposed birthplace there into a national monument?
(Elizabeth – Lincoln, CA)
A. Because they’re Republicans?

Q. Now that they have a rehab place for people addicted to the Internet, what can possibly be next?
(Margo – Moore, OK)
A. The Jimmy Carter Rehabilitation Center for Compulsive Racists. And, two-bits says it'll be covered under the Presidents new Government-Run Health Care Plan.

“Socialism proposes no adequate substitute for the motive of enlightened selfishness that to-day is at the basis of all human labor and effort, enterprise and new activity.”
- William Howard Taft


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