Saturday, September 12, 2009


The U.S. Coast Guard was conducting training exercises on the Potomac by the Pentagon on 9/11 while El Presidente was motoring on his way to make a speech. CNN, always the best at giving us important news, got wind of the fact that something was going on and went on the air to tell the world that some military action was occurring. When CNN eventually discovered that it was just a training exercise, the White House and CNN started exchanging sarcastic barbs at each other. The Coast Guard also took some heat for conducting training on 9/11 while the Prez was running around getting more T.V. exposure.

Where’s James Bond when you really need him?

Q. Why was the Coast Guard conducting exercises on such an important date as 9/11?
(Lance – Washoe Valley, NV)
A. Why was Air Force One flying low over New York City a few months ago? We have bumbling idiots in charge of the government. (Sorry, Ms. Pelosi… No offense intended.)

Q. I hear that the Congress is now trying to write something in the new Health Care Plan to prevent illegal aliens from having access to free health care. Why don’t we just ship the illegals back to Mexico?
(LeRoy – Birmingham, MI)
A. Do not, do not ever confuse simple solutions with Government.

Q. Did the President really offer anything new or make any changes to his Health Care Plan during his speech?
(Marylu – Baltimore, MD)
A. You must be on the sauce.

“I don't take a dime of their [lobbyist] money, and when I am president, they won't find a job in my White House.” -
Barack Obama


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