Friday, September 4, 2009


British Petroleum, (BP) has discovered what analysts believe is a major new oil field far below the Gulf of Mexico. BP says that it made the discovery in its Tiber Prospect in the Keathley Canyon by drilling one of the deepest wells ever sunk by the industry. Further appraisal will be required to ascertain the volumes of oil present, but a spokesman said the find could be bigger than its Kaskida discovery which has over 3 billion barrels of oil in place.

One always wonders why such a large discovery has not made the news. But, the find underscores the importance of further drilling exploration in the Gulf, which the Obama Administration adamantly refuses to allow. The question is: Why does the Administration want to leave America “over the energy barrel?”

Q. I hear that the Federal Government is hiring 273,000 more people. What in the hell are they thinking about and where are they getting the money from? (Vangie – Boca Raton, FL)
A. Obama knows that the bigger Government becomes, the more difficult it will be for us to tear it apart. He’s also picking up 273,000 more votes for the next election in the process. You don’t have to sweat where the $$$ will come from; your grandkids will be stuck with the tab.

Q. Unemployment continues to rise and retail sales continue to slump; housing foreclosures continue to rise and the national debt ceiling has been reached. Why does the Administration say that the recession is over?
(Steve – Bremerton, WA)
A. Because they don’t want you to know the truth while they’re trying to get their $1.5 trillion Government-Run Health Care Plan passed.

Q. I hear North Korea is actually making enriched uranium. What will they do with it? (Daisy – Birmingham, AL)
A. They’ll either sell it to Iran or they’ll make nuclear weapons, or both. I think the chances are slim that they’ll make use it to make pies with.

“Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.” -
George Washington


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