Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Osama bin Laden, vilified President Obama on Sunday as being no different from his predecessors and warned that anti-American attacks will not stop until the United States ends the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. "You are waging a hopeless and losing war for the benefit of others, a war the end of which is not visible on the horizon."

“The time has come for you to liberate yourselves from fear and the ideological terrorism of neoconservatives and the Israeli lobby,” Osama said. “The reason for our dispute with you is your support for your ally Israel, occupying our land in Palestine.”

In the tape released by al-Qaida's media wing, bin Laden said President Obama is "powerless" to stop the war in Afghanistan.

Hey, you mealy-mouthed rag-head! Don’t bug Barack while he’s busy covering for ACORN!

Q. Is it true that the SEC is getting ready to go after Bank of America over its acquisition of Merrill Lynch?
(Garth – Nashville, TN)
A. It is now. The government was trying to settle the case out of Court. Why, I don’t know, unless they made some mistakes in putting their case together. But, a Federal Judge has now ruled that no settlement can take place and the case must now go to trial.

Q. I hear that SEIU and ACORN are in bed together and taking instructions from Obama and his Czars. Isn’t this illegal?
(Maria – Brooklyn, NY)
A. Service Employees International Union has its offices in the same building as ACORN. The rest of your answers are: It appears, at least on the surface, that your allegations are correct. So far, the Administration is refusing investigation or prosecution of both entities. SEIU operatives tried to sabotage Town Halls by intimidating protesters and ACORN is under fire for its recent criminal activities involving telling applicants how to avoid income taxes and conducting illegal and underage prostitution. They were also accused of being deeply involved in election irregularities, but Attorney General Holder has stonewalled any investigation.

Q. Is it possible that either Iran or North Korea could attack the United States?
(Karen – Littleton, CO)
A. When it comes to Congress or lunatics, anything is possible.

Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach.
- Joseph Stalin


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