Sunday, September 13, 2009


The Commerce Department has announced, shortly after Sean Hannity produced a video of ACORN officials giving instructions to two individuals on how to evade income taxes and how to conduct a prostitution ring using underage El Salvadorian girls, that ACORN will NOT be conducting the 2010 Census.

Right after he took office, Obama managed to stifle any investigation into ACORN activities that took place during the election. At the same time, he ordered the Commerce Department to have ACORN conduct the 2010 Census instead of having Commerce do it, as they have historically always done. You may remember that ACORN received $800,000 from Obama’s campaign that was marked as a “donation” and later, after the Federal Election Commission questioned it, the campaign office said they had “misclassified” the cost and it was actually for staging work ACORN did for one of the rallies. Obama has never answered allegations that ACORN was receiving government funding at the same time that it was out beating the bushes to find voters for Obama. Get the picture?

Q. If it is true that the Black Panthers intimidated voters in Philadelphia in November, that they were charged with violations of the law and found guilty, and that Eric Holder then dropped all charges against them, where does Holder get the gall to go after John Ashcroft for his detention and questioning of people after 9/11?
(Lyle – Scranton, PA)
A. Holder does kind of wear his anti-American justice agenda on his sleeve, doesn’t he?

Q. Weeks after the arrest of a Harvard professor by a Cambridge COP, and long after the famous “beer” at the White House, I hear that there is now an investigation being undertaken and that everyone is trying to keep it a secret. It is sounding to me like Obama is actually being a two-faced racist. Is this story true?
(Benny – Las Vegas, NV)
A. Yes, the investigation is underway.

Q. I hear that the gambling joints are in deep financial trouble?
(Lana - Logan, WV)
A. Let’s just say that they’re not exactly “in the chips.”

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
- Abraham Lincoln


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