Sunday, September 20, 2009


President Barack Obama will steal more air time today. He’s planning on talking to Americans on five different networks about his Government-Ruin Health Plan.

For several months now, he hasn’t changed his tune, offered new ideas, or agreed to toss out bad ideas. He doesn’t care what we think or what our real needs are. The only new thing he might say is that he will pay for it with the savings from the ACORN money he’s going to cut from the budget.

Q. What do you really think he’ll say?
(Bambi – Gillette, WY)
A. That you are a bunch of dummies for not trusting him, that those who speak out against him are un-American, domestic, subversive, extreme radical right-wing Nazi terrorists who need to shut up and get out of the way, and that we should quit using bad rhetoric and watching the damn cable TV news. Those who showed up to protest at Town Hall meetings or the “few hundred” who showed up in Washington on the 12th do not represent the overwhelming majority of Americans and we are being misled by malevolent Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. What he won’t say: “I am sorry about my past associations with Ayers, Rezko, Wright and ACORN, and I want to disassociate myself from those people and clean up my act.”

Q. What about this terrorist plot and the guy Najibullah Zazi?
(Tonya – Bridgeport, CA)
A. I guess they’ll now have to investigate the guys who broke the plot wide open to find out whether or not they used racial profiling and if they read Zazi his Miranda rights.

Q. Someone told me that the government is going to require that all Americans have checking accounts and that they provide the routing numbers and account numbers to the government so that the government can directly withdraw overpayments or insurance premiums.
(Marilou – Weaverville, CA)
A. The bank info is supposed to be so they can collect from employers, directly pay providers, etc. However, there is no language to prevent them from doing what you suggest.

“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.
- Adolf Hitler


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