Friday, September 25, 2009


Obama has warned Israel not to make a military move to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities, and has made it clear that he does not approve of what Israel is doing in the Gaza settlements. Former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski said the United States should make clear that we will attack Israeli jets if they fly over Iraq on their way to attack Iran.

When Obama was running for the Presidency, it came out that tens of millions of dollars in donations had found their way to his campaign coffers from other nations, with a significant percentage coming from Iran. That allegation was never investigated, never followed up. If that story is true, one must wonder what impact it would have on Obama’s dealings with Iran. Why, for example, did Obama not say anything about the riots after Iran’s elections until domestic U.S. public pressure forced him to?

Q. Is it true that the Feds are targeting bloggers?
(Casandra – North Hollywood, CA)
A. Yes. Journalists have traditional been able to hide behind shield laws that allow them to refuse to reveal their sources. The Feds are alleging to the U.S. Senate that bloggers are not really journalists and are therefore immune from such shield laws.

Q. Where does ACORN get the guts to try and switch the blame for its troubles to the team that produced the undercover videos?
(Giles – Hartford, CT)
A. Sounds logical to me. If the team hadn’t taped the evidence, ACORN would not have been caught and, therefore, they would have committed no wrong.

Q. I hear there’s been another terrorist plot foiled besides the New York one?
(Heidi – Minnetonka, MN)
A. Wednesday, Michael C. Finton, also known as Talib Islam, was arrested after trying to set off a powerful bomb at a Springfield, Il courthouse. The word is that he was trying to emulate John Walker Lindh.

“A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil.” -

(James A. Garfield)


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