Sunday, September 30, 2012


The Obama Administration, deep in the Libyan muck, is now trumpeting increased consumer spending in the month of August.

Once again, the whole truth is in the math, a subject that Obama obviously did not take in college.  The statement should be revised: “Consumer Spending Decreases Again.”  Simply put, last month you bought a gallon of gas and paid $3.00 for it.  This month, you bought a gallon of gas and paid $4.00 for it.  Obama says consumer spending increased, but actual sales of consumer goods did not.  In August, if you factor in the increased cost of gas at the pump and inflation of other goods and services, the dollar spending is up but, the number of units sold is down.  This goes along with the unemployment figures, which do not take into consideration the number of people actually out of work, but only those actively looking for work or receiving unemployment compensation.  Just more lies in sheep’s clothing.    

Q. Should Ambassador Rice resign for her misstatements to the American people?  (Jeremy ~ Grass Valley, CA)
A. No.  She was only doing what Hillary Clinton and the White House were telling her to do.  And, she was not the only one: Jay Carney?  Hillary Clinton herself?  How about the Big Tuna, Barack Obama?  Are they not just as guilty, or even more so? 

Q. What are your thoughts on the lab guy who falsified drug tests in Massachusetts?  (Finley ~ El Reno, OK)
A. He’ll probably get a high-paying, upper-level job in the Obama Administration. 

Q. There are a lot of media people now proclaiming Obama to be the winner in November.  What’s your answer to that?  (Reddy ~ Redding, CA)
A. Remember Dewey vs. Truman?  Remember Carter vs. Reagan?  The fact is, when one party senses it is losing the election battle, it pulls out all of the stops including declaring the other party to be a loser.  I view it as a good sign, but we need to stay focused on the economy and foreign affairs. 

TODAY’S QUOTE: (I’d hate to hear what he’d say about Obama…)
Richard Nixon is a no good, lying bastard. He can lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, and if he ever caught himself telling the truth, he'd lie just to keep his hand in.” ~ Harry S. Truman


Saturday, September 29, 2012


Reuters is reporting that the President of the Dallas Fed, Richard Fisher, is decrying that the U.S. is “drowning in unemployment,” and our economy is running at stall speed.  Without more certainty on tax policy and regulation, he said, "all the monetary accommodation in the world" will not get businesses hiring again. 

One would think that the single most important threat to American security is terrorism.  The fact is, our economy is fragile and if we don’t have an economy, none of the rest matters.  We cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of economic security by this administration. 

Q. Why has Benjamin Netanyahu softened his stance over the past few days?  (Miller ~ Calistoga, CA)
A. Probably because Obama threatened to cut off U.S. Aide if he didn’t.  That’s the almighty power of the American dollar at work. This type of foreign diplomacy also accounts for why we are in such hot water.   

Q. With all of these cyber attacks going on, should I be concerned about my smart phone?  (Gadfly ~ Hollywood, CA)
A. Kim Komando says yes, especially if you have an android phone.  “There's a vicious Android smart phone attack going around. With just a single line of code, a hacker can lock your phone's SIM card or completely wipe all of your data.” I suggest you go to her website to see if your phone is vulnerable.  There is protection available and it doesn’t come in a condom wrapper.  My urgent opinion is that you should NOT use your smart phone to dial in to your financial accounts under any circumstances. 

Q. How do you think Romney will do in the debate next week?  (Lucy ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. I fear we’re going to see Romney with that “deer in the headlights” gaze.  I fear we’re going to be wishing we had pushed harder for Gingrich in the primaries.  I pray I’m wrong. 

The president has declared that the debate over government-controlled health care is over. That will come as news to the millions of Americans who will elect Mitt Romney so we can repeal Obamacare.” ~ Paul Ryan


Friday, September 28, 2012


News oozed out yesterday that the intelligence resources informed the Administration within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack was caused by terrorists and not associated with the infamous video.  In fact, within 24 hours, they were also pursuing the probability that Al Qaeda was involved while at the same time they were denying terrorism and claiming the attack was simply a protest demonstration gone bad.  While all of these facts were being suppressed and the country was in a rage, Obama flew off to Las Vegas on a campaign junket.  

The ensuing denials by the administration amount to a flagrant cover-up. Officials were publicly denying a terrorism connection well over a week after they had internally declared it to be a terrorist event in order to gain access to funds to pursue the investigation.  The State Department also clearly was aware of the Ambassador’s concerns about the lack of security and inexplicably did nothing.  Fast & Furious all over again?  The question is, given that it is a cover-up, what is being covered up and why?  Could this end up being one of those never-ending big secrets, like Obama’s birth certificate, college records and social security number? 

Q. I heard that the polls showing Obama is leading the election battle are faulty.  Can you explain?  (Anne ~ Paradise, CA)
A. Polls are only as good as their data bases and interpretations.  For example, if you walk into a room full of Democrats and take a poll, what percentage do you think you’ll get for Romney?  You have to determine that the people involved fairly represent the base as much as possible.  For example, if the base includes 40% white, 20% Hispanic, 20% Black and 10% other; and then the total is also 40% protestant, 20% Jewish, 20% Catholic and 10% other; and then 40% men and 50% women, you’ll try to apply those same percentages to the people actually getting polled.  The polls they are talking about don’t meet those standards and were also “adjusted” to try and reflect the actual turnout of 2008, which had many abnormalities in it.  So, the polls are worthless and appear to have been purposefully conducted in order to obtain the desired results.  That makes contributors less like to give to Romney and convinces some Romney supporters to stay home on Election Day.  As you can see, it’s all another “dirty political trick.” 

Q. It seems to be that there is just one calamity after another coming out about this Administration.  Why?  (Phil ~ Gardnerville, NV)
A. It’s an Obama strategy.  If the media and the opposition have to keep going from one thing to another, they won’t have time to focus in on the sad state of the economy or foreign affairs disasters.  That’s one of the reasons Obama lies in the face of the facts, just to create a red herring. 

Q. What is your opinion of the Romney campaign?  (Lena ~ Boise, ID)
A. I think it is too much like the McCain campaign.  I suspected he would have problems on the campaign trail and that is one of the reasons why I never backed him in the primaries.  What we have to do now, however, is to make certain that he gets elected or this country is going to be in twice as much doo-doo as it already is.    

Every poll shows that most journalists are Democrats.” ~ Sally Quinn


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Medical costs rose much faster than predicted last year and the number of unemployed raised dramatically, the Health Care Cost Institute reports. 

Obama promised in 2008 that his new plan would decrease medical costs by over $2,500 per family.  It is now forecast to increase costs per family by $3,000.  The “Affordable Care Act” referred to as ObamaCare appears to bear some responsibility; it requires that only 20% of insurance premiums can be used for administrative expenses and 80% be spent on health care.  By allowing the costs of health care to increase, more money can be spent on administrative costs.  This is just one more reason why ObamaCare has to be defeated by defeating Obama at the polls in November.  Obama is fully of fuzzy math on all aspects of the economy and statistical reporting of unemployment, etc.  He’d make more sense if he was full of fuzzy navels. 

Q. Harry Reid says Romney is “sullying” the Mormon Church.  What is that all about? ~ (Sammie ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Dirty Harry has been known for his vile, vicious, gutter remarks whenever he or his party is in trouble.  This time, he’s gone beyond the pale; I think he just solidified the Mormon vote for Romney.  But, let’s not dwell on it; keep the focus where it belongs: on the economy and on foreign affairs. 

Q. Why is Obama refusing to meet with other world leaders during the U.N. meetings?  (Monica ~ Tooele, UT)
A. There are two possible explanations: (1) if he meets with one, he’ll have to meet with Netanyahu, who he despises, or (2) he continues to believe he is the “anointed one” and that it is below his dignity and station in life to meet with pissants. 

Q. I read in your blog “MY AMERICAN OPINION” the other day about the danger of voting fraud this year.  Now I hear they’ve already discovered something major in Florida.  Can you fill me in?  (Frank ~ Saratoga, CA)
A. “Boleteros” have been assisting voters with absentee ballots.  They are accused of bribing, cajoling or even forging ballots from elderly and disabled voters.  The practice amounts to an unregulated election-related business; the boleteros do not need to register with the state.  I will guarantee you that you have not heard the last about voter fraud in this election. 

You're going to hear a lot from President Obama and yes, from Joe Biden, you're hearing a little bit about Medicare these days. What they will not tell you is they turned Medicare into a piggybank to fund 'Obamacare.' They took $716 billion dollars to pay for the 'Obamacare' program.” ~ Paul Ryan


Wednesday, September 26, 2012


As information about the Benghazi consulate attack and murders begins to ooze out, it is becoming increasingly clear that American intelligence was both ignored and inadequate.  News reports Monday of Ambassador Steven’s personal diary were a classic example of Keystone Cops in action; four days after the event, FBI agents swept the consulate and “safe” house to gather any evidence and facts they could about what happened.  After that sweep, CNN investigative reporters went through the same scene and managed to find Stevens' diary.  The “safe” house itself was a treasure trove of State Department and intelligence information about Libyan agents and officials, many of which were working for us as well.  The loss of this information has been deemed “catastrophic.”  And, the fact that we knew, or should have known that an attack was imminent and did nothing about it suggests sinister motives. 

CNN, of course, did not turn the diary over to the family or to the government, but leaked contents in its news releases.  The concerted effort to cover up or distort the events by Administration officials is reminiscent of what occurred in the Fast & Furious scandal.  The allegation that the author of the infamous video was employed by State as an “informant” begs further questions.  We will never know the answers; the Justice Department successfully snuffed the Fast & Furious investigations against all odds, and they are in charge of the FBI which is investigating the Libyan debacle. 

Q. Besides starting a military buildup, what steps has Putin taken toward building a new Soviet Union?  (Carlos ~ Santa Monica, CA)
A. Due to the rapid decline in U.S. influence in the area, Putin is making inroads in Asia with former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan with the goal toward reunification by 2015.  Evidently, Ronald Reagan was just a flash in the pan? 

Q. Who is Sheldon Adelson and why is Obama trying to smear him?  (Katie ~ Butte, MT)
A. He is the owner of several casinos, including the Sands in Las Vegas.  He has been contributing heavily to Republican candidates and has said repeatedly he will do everything it takes to get Obama out of office.  Although Obama is getting tens of millions of dollars from George Soros, he is angry at Romney for getting tons of money from Adelson.  Adelson says Obama has set up a “shadow government” of czars who really run Washington while Cabinet members have virtually no access to the President.  For more:

Q. Every responsible economic forecast I have seen suggests that the $600 billion in automatic spending cuts set to take place next year would devastate our economy, sending it into an even worse recession.  What do you think will happen?  (Gabrielle ~ Suisun City, CA)
A. Unless Romney wins, the current split of power is likely to continue; even with a Republican Congress, Obama has the power of veto.  The odds of the $600 billion being successfully resolved and financial disaster averted are sadly, slim and none. 

“You know, some of the good part of blog theory was that blogs would be like diaries that the world could read. They would be spontaneous, whatever pops into your mind, as a diary would be.” ~ Gregg Easterbrook

TODAY’S VIDEO:  (Even Nancy turns off Obama when he talks…)