Thursday, February 28, 2013


Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is now in the U.S. according to the Center for Disease Control, (CDC).  This is a family of germs that is difficult to treat because they have high levels of resistance to antibiotics.  There are many forms of CRE, but of the 37 forms reported in the U.S., 15 have been reported in less than a year.  The germs live in water, soil and the human gut; they have developed resistance to drugs being used to treat patients for other problems.  CRE can spread from one patient to another in hospitals and long term care facilities (nursing homes). Patients with CRE infection can die from it.  The particular bug is difficult to diagnose unless the patient has a persistent infection.  


And then we also have to deal with Obama's crapola.   


Q. With all of these dire predictions from Obama as to what is going to happen when Sequestering kicks in, isn’t he going to look like a real fool when those things don’t happen?  (Oscar ~ Walnut, CA)
A. I’ve got news for you, Oscar… He already looks like a real fool.  On the outside chance that he cares, I would say that there is a 60% chance that he will capitulate Friday or shortly thereafter “in the best interests of the nation,” while lambasting the Republicans for their greedy agenda of protecting the rich.  Please pass the gray poop on. 

Q. I do not understand how the Feds can release hundreds of criminal illegal aliens into an unsuspecting society.  On the one hand, they claim it was because of looming Sequestration cuts, but on the other hand they say they are definitely keeping track of the illegals and where they go.  If they’re so low on money, where do they get the funds for that?  And why did they pick on Arizona again?  (Matt ~ Moreno Valley, CA)
A. To start off with, this is a political payback, a vendetta if you will, from Obama to Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer for all of the ruckus she created over illegal immigration and the federal failure to deal with the problem.  It wasn’t a matter of Sequestration cuts; they haven’t yet been implemented.  But, they did use Sequestration as an excuse, a “cover” for their dirty deeds.  I guess they hope the criminal illegals will raise havoc in Arizona and embarrass Brewer. I think they stirred up a hornet’s nest.  Frankly, since this is a wholesale release of convicted criminals, I think it’s another on a growing list of impeachable offenses. 

Q. I rarely watch Hannity anymore because he suffers from the O’Reilly Syndrome… keeps asking questions and then interrupts guests and talks over them when they try to answer.  But, I did catch his show Tuesday night and was astonished to watch Democrat Representative Keith Ellison from Minnesota rip Hannity a “new one,” calling him “the worst excuse for a journalist I’ve ever seen.”  Six minutes after the interview began, Hannity gave up, saying, “Congressman, you are a total waste of time. We’re moving on, because our audience deserves better.”  What is your opinion of all of this?  (Duvall ~ Tempe, AZ)
A. It’s obvious to me that these left-wing liberals cannot control themselves.  He reminds me of that guy who “lost it” at the airport the other day and started destroying the terminal.  If they can’t have their own way, they simply do not know what to do with themselves.  I guess they learn that trait from the Omnipotent One. 


“The federal government has sponsored research that has produced a tomato that is perfect in every respect, except that you can't eat it. We should make every effort to make sure this disease, often referred to as 'progress', doesn't spread.” ~ Andy Rooney


Wednesday, February 27, 2013


J.P. Morgan has announced 19,000 job cuts over the next two years; Bank of America is cutting 30,000 jobs and CitiBank is cutting 11,000. 

Deja vu all over again?  I am soooo sick and tired of the way this country is going.  Anybody who buys anything right now needs to have their head examined.   

Q. With Obama running around like Chicken Little, as you said, what do you suppose he’s really afraid of with respect to Sequestration?  (Mandy ~ Carson City, NV)
A. He’s afraid we’ll find out he’s full of hot air and that we CAN cut our spending and grow our economy at the same time.  If that happens, his dreams of wealth redistribution will be extinguished.  He’ll get into another horrible snit and Michelle will get back to hating America again.  Wahhh!  

Q. Everyone I know is really afraid of what cuts are going to take place Friday.  What can you do to reassure us?  (Sally ~ Vacaville, CA)
A. If all of the cuts occurred that Obama claims are going to happen, we’d save about 1/3 of the national expenditures… at least $1 trillion… and the Sequester is only talking $85 billion.  Obama even included a phony cut as a result of Sequestering on an agency that ceased to exist last year.  Yes, it is fear mongering at its worst.  Obama’s nose should be as long as the Golden Gate Bridge.   

Q. When Sequester kicks in, will there be cuts as well in Congress and staffs, and the White House and Staffs?  (Rolland ~ Oklahoma City, OK)
A. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.  And what have YOU been drinking? 

“If we don't change, millions of American families are just one medical emergency, or one layoff, away from financial disaster and bankruptcy.” ~ Jim Cooper


Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, whose jurisdiction includes Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas, ruled on February 22nd that the U.S. Constitution does not guarantee an individual right to carry a concealed weapon.   

While that ruling is ominous, it is not all that dangerous.  First of all, the ruling applies only in those states where the Court has jurisdiction.  Secondly, the ruling only covers concealed carry.  The case arose in Colorado, which bans open carry and stipulates requirements for concealed carry with which the plaintiff did not comply.  The Court wondered why the plaintiff didn’t challenge the ban on open carry, which implies to me that the Court would have upheld the Second Amendment to the extent that we do have a right to bear arms.  I personally would prefer to see a law banning open carry of a loaded weapon, but also allowing unlicensed carry of a concealed weapon. 

Q. What do you think about the American Legion Post that fired a bartender for calling the cops when a drunken customer got into his car and left the bar?  (Ellis ~ Santa Barbara, CA)
A. I don’t know all of the particulars.  Did she warn him not to drive or try and talk him out of it?  Did she try to get someone else to drive him home?  Or, did she just call the cops as he drove off?  Did she warn him she was going to call the cops if he drove drunk?  And finally, if he was that drunk, why was she serving him?  No one wants a drunk driver on the road and if she did all of the right things, she should not have been fired.  However, if she did not do all of the right things and then she called the cops, she very definitely should have been fired or at least strictly disciplined.  The statement of the Post representative that her action was “bad for business” is dumb, dumb, dumb and he should surely be fired.  

Q. News came yesterday that the Federal government is snooping into android phone and I-phone communications, online social sites, and blog sites such as Blogger… and more, all without warrants.  Since your blogs are posted online for all to see, why would they want to snoop into Blogger?  (Amelia ~ Huntington Beach, CA)
A. Obviously, they want to know who the real people are behind the blogs.  For what purpose?  The only logical purpose is that they intend to come after us at some point in time, whether it’s through an IRS Audit or some other pretext to punish and silence us.  I registered all of my blogs under the name of Barry Soetoro from Kenya. 

Q. There was a little girl at Disneyland who tugged on the tail of a rabbit character.  Allegedly, the rabbit chased her, grabbed her by the arm and gave her an earful of obscenities.  Now, the family is suing.  The little girl started it; she should know that it’s bad to pull on the rabbit’s tail like that.  (Carlos ~ Reno, NV)
A. Not necessarily; the tail tug routine seems to have worked out okay for Hugh Hefner…

“For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for.” ~ Marco Rubio 


Monday, February 25, 2013


With everyone pointing fingers at everyone else, with a President who has thus far refused to compromise on anything during his Presidency, the stage is set to define what will happen during the rest of Obama’s term.  If the Republicans cave in, they are toast.  If Congress kicks the can down the road again, they are toast.  If no deal is reached and Sequestration does kick in, Obama has proven that he is no leader, but that he has dictatorial intentions.  If, somehow, a deal is reached and the can doesn’t go down the road and both sides compromise in order to get things done, then and only then is there hope that the next four years will be better than the last.

But, there is even more at stake for Obama.  He fully intends to cram his gun control agenda past the Second Amendment and down the throats of the NRA.  He intends to have his amnesty and citizenship status for illegal aliens.  He cannot hope to accomplish these things in the face of the adversity he is dealing with if he is willing to compromise; that’s just the way he sees it.  What Obama wants, Obama gets and if he ever caves in, if he ever compromises, he opens the door to the possibility that he will not always get his own way and that he just might not get his gun control or his immigration policy. 

Sequestration was his idea.  The next move, whether it comes before or after Sequestration, really belongs to him.  The time has come for us to judge him by his actions as opposed to his words.  


Q. What is your opinion of Jose Salazar in Colorado who says women shouldn’t have guns and guns don’t belong on College campuses?  (Glenna ~ Littleton, CO)
A. He’s a third-class jerk.  He’s a shallow, bigoted, left-wing Obama wannabe who is disgusting and vile.  I would imagine his wife, if he’s married, is nothing but a doormat and a household decoration.  Before he went into politics, he was probably an agent for the TSA, groping little kids in wheelchairs.  He and others like him should go find their natal rocks and climb back under them. 

Q. I am so sick and tired of hearing the doomsday prophecies of Sequestration.  Why doesn’t this President just simply take the lead and get the budget done?  (Juanita ~ Escondido, CA)
A. He has taken the lead.  He has made his demands and refuses to even discuss compromise.  He intends to brow-beat everyone and anyone who wants to derail this spend, spend, spend and tax, tax, tax routine into submission, as he has successfully done many times before.  Any other President in any other time or country would have been laughed off stage months ago.  When the day comes and Sequestration begins, he will throw a tantrum and be glowering around the White House for days because he didn’t get his way.  Then, he will find some way to punish us in retribution in some other fight yet to come.  We should be ashamed of ourselves for tolerating such behavior. 

Q. The other day, you headlined about NASA secrets being sold through their Ames Research Laboratory to China, but there’s been no mention of it in the media.  What’s the story?”  (Giles ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. Don’t expect the mainstream media to carry the story because it is extremely embarrassing to the beleaguered Obama Administration and could even lead to espionage charges.  Frank Wolf of Virginia, chairman of the House Appropriations panel’s subcommittee on commerce, justice, science and related agencies, and Lamar Smith of Texas, chair of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee are spearheading the complaints and potential Congressional investigation. 

“There are so many things a large intelligence espionage organization can do to justify its existence, that people can get promotions for, because it could result in results.” ~ Aldrich Ames 


Sunday, February 24, 2013


Two-thirds of the nation’s high-level nuclear waste is stored at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south-central Washington State, some in tanks designed and built in 1944.  Federal and state officials now admit that at least six of the tanks are leaking.  Taking his cue from Department of Energy officials, Washington Governor Jay Inslee says that the leaks pose no imminent danger to the public.  Hanford's tanks hold some 53 million gallons of highly radioactive waste and many of those tanks are known to have leaked in the past; an estimated 1 million gallons of radioactive liquid has already leaked there.


“No imminent danger?”  This from the same government that denied allegations that leaking radioactivity from nuclear tests at the Nevada Test Site was causing radiation in milk as far away as Kansas and Nebraska, and then spent millions in compensation payments to children with cancer and leukemia?  This is very serious stuff and I do not believe their downplay of the danger for one minute.  There is a river nearby that feeds three significant cities downstream; they say they have monitoring wells in the area, but how close and how deep?  If these tanks have been leaking for some period of time without detection, as they obviously have, how do we know how effective the well-monitoring plan really is? 


Q. What’s your opinion on the legalization of Internet gambling in Nevada?  (Gus ~ Barstow, CA)
A. I worked in the Nevada gaming industry in various management positions for 30+ years.  When I started, Nevada was the only state where gambling was legal.  For many people, gambling becomes an addiction and they become burdens on society; the only way they can survive is to get away from it, to isolate themselves.  I think the proliferation of gambling in general is wrong and this latest news confirms that the industry is filled with greed and lacks social responsibility. 

Q. That was a horrible tragedy at the NASCAR Race in Daytona [yesterday].  Isn't it about time they ban those races? (Thelma ~ Pasco, WA)
A. Oh, and they should ban football, soccer, boxing, and guns, I suppose.  How about bananas?  If you slip on a peel, you could kill yourself.  Why don't you left-wing ninny-nannies all get on The Triumph and take a one-way cruise to nowhere?  

Q. There now seems to be a move on to get rid of traffic cameras, thank God.  I’ve always suspected what they were for.  (Luina ~ Casa Grande, AZ)
A. They were billed as being there to help sort out traffic accidents and to improve traffic flow, and local governments insisted they would not be used to issue traffic tickets, but that is what has been going on.  It’s a “Big Brother” syndrome and they should be emasculated; it’s okay to have them for their intended use, but cannot be used to issue tickets. 


“Perhaps most ridiculous of all is the suggestion that we 'keep' our radioactive garbage for the use of our descendants. This 'solution', I think, requires an immediate poll of the next 20,000 generations.” ~ David R. Brower

TODAY’S VIDEO: (The single most important clip of our time)