Saturday, June 11, 2011

WEINER WIENERS OUT: Treatment Center!

Anthony Weiner has taken the ultimate and fashionable “road to salvation” taken by movie stars and other famous people for the last decade or two; he’s going to a treatment center. 

My God, it works!  Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan have done it several times and Charlie Sheen will soon be doing it again.  It works GREAT!  The media leaves you alone, you get to keep your job and you are repatriated all at the same time!  It’s the crowning excuse and repentance.  If John Dillinger or Jack the Ripper had thought of it, history surely would have been changed.  That dummy John Gotti never thought of it.  How about, “Hey, your honor, I know I was going 95 in a 35, but I was addicted and now I’m taking treatments at the Hillcrest Home for Addictive Speeders.”  If there was any doubt that Nancy Pelosi could save Weiner's job and prevent embarrassment to her far-left wing, this gets rid of it; he’ll never get tossed out of Congress now, and he will forever have the reputation of being that nice, addicted Congressman who had the guts to go get treatment.  Besides, good old Charlie Rangel stood up for him. 

Q.  Obama is saying that the economic recovery will take time.  What does that mean?  (Lorraine ~ Richmond, CA)
A.  Let’s see… He originally said that prior to inauguration in 2009.  He’s been saying that on a regular basis since for at least 2-½ years.  My guess is it'll be at least 2-½ years more, so he’ll probably still be saying it when he leaves office in 2013.  That’s his problem.  He’s like a bird; all mouth and no ass. 

Q. Enough is enough; all jokes must be put aside.  The TSA pat-down of a special needs man with an IQ of a 3-1/2 year old child who was enroute to a Disney World vacation is beyond belief.  Doesn’t anyone have any common sense anymore?  (Jasper ~ Redding, CA)
A. Common sense is not so common anymore unless you are a Democrat; in that case, it's "nonsense." The three guys with knives in their turbans had absolutely no trouble getting through the line. 

Q.  Will Rob Blagojevich get off this time?  (Carolyn ~ Cassel, CA)
A.  No.  Obama needs him out of the way where he cannot damage his reelection prospects.  The Judge is a Democrat, the jury is from Illinois which is Democratic, and the price of sprouts has just gone up. 

“All sins tend to be addictive, and the terminal point of addiction is damnation. ~ W. H. Auden


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