Thursday, June 2, 2011


Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Tuesday he will no longer allow NATO airstrikes on houses.  A recent airstrike killed innocent civilians.  NATO says it never conducts such strikes without Afghan government coordination and approval.  Karzai said that NATO forces risk being seen as an "occupying force," and that further violations will cause Afghanistan to use “unilateral force.” 
Read more:

This sawed-off pipsqueak corrupt tyrant had better be damned careful.  Out of the three wars, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, this is the one we need to be in and we need to kick butt.  This is the homeland for Al Queda.  Karzai had better not get in the way, or Obama won’t invite him over for a White House beer. 

Q.  They keep talking about renewable energy, such as wind, solar, hydro, biomass and geothermal as a way to reduce our dependency on foreign oil.  What is the federal government doing to promote renewable energy?  (Cyrus ~ Morgan Hill, CA)
A.  The Department of Energy has several programs to help renewable energy developers in that process.  They range from loan guarantees to grants.  However, funding for the DOE was severely curtailed in the recent FY2011 budget negotiations.  What will happen for FY2012 remains to be seen, but they are currently winding down their loan guarantee programs to end September 30th.  The USDA also has energy efficiency programs and energy development programs with loan guarantees and grants similar to DOE.  Its funding was also curtailed, but not as significantly.  On the good side, the National Environmental Policy Act folks are looking for ways to cut down the red tape for renewable energy projects.

Q.  There’s a lot of rhetoric out there about our financial condition and going over the cliff.  Taking the politics out of the question, are we in that serious of an economic situation nationally?  (Hortencia ~ Tucson, AZ)
A.  Without hesitation, yes.  Hell yes. 

Q.  How would you redesign the Social Security system?  (Candace ~ Laughlin, NV)
A.  Number one is an iron-clad guarantee that the federal government will not touch the fund for any reason whatever.  Number two, turn it into a retirement system with higher withholdings and payouts.  Number three, take the funds and invest them into low risk securities to provide additional income to retirees. 

"A successful society is characterized by a rising living standard for its population, increasing investment in factories and basic infrastructure, and the generation of additional surplus, which is invested in generating new discoveries in science and technology." ~ Robert Trout


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